School Leaders in School Organization: Entrepreneurial Leadership?


  • Norhisham Mohd Kasim Faculty of Entrepreneurship & Business, University of Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author
  • Salwati Hassan Faculty of Entrepreneurship & Business, University of Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author
  • Mohd Rafi Yaacob Faculty of Entrepreneurship & Business, University of Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author
  • Mohd Norazmi Nordin Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Author
  • Noor Aida Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Author
  • Tumisah Akim Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Author
  • Mohd Saleh Abbas INTI International University, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Author


The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the model of entrepreneurial leadership in school organizational context and why this style of leadership is importance toward school leaders in school organization. The empirical studies revealed that entrepreneurial leadership positively and significantly have an effect on performance of leaders. Therefore, this conceptual paper introduces the significance of entrepreneurial leadership on school leaders in school organization.


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How to Cite

Kasim, N. M., Hassan, S., Yaacob, M. R., Nordin, M. N., Aida, N., Akim, T., & Abbas, M. S. (2022). School Leaders in School Organization: Entrepreneurial Leadership?. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 23(1), 1756-1772.


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