
  • Dr. Thrassyvoulos (Thrassy) N. MARKETOS A Jurist-Internationalist; specialized in Public International Law at the University of Aix-Marseille III (France); was nominated Doctor of International Relations by the Panteion University of Athens (Greece); works for the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs; serves as a lecturer of Eurasian geopolitics in the Athens branch of the Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies (C.E.D.S.—Paris) (Athens, Greece) Author


As China’s economy has grown and become integrated into the global market, both have become interdependent. Therefore China’s long-term development goals will only be possible with increasing and stable access to foreign trade, resources, and energy. The latter has become a pressing issue as the country’s dependence on international energy imports rapidly increases and might impose a limit on its growth if left unmet. This is especially important given supply shortages as a result of the recent events in Libya and given the future prospect of supply disruptions from the Middle East. In the case of oil, the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecast in 2010 that Chinese imports would grow from 4.3 million barrels a day (m/bd) in 2009 to 12.8 m/bd in 2035, thus rising from 53% to 84% of the total demand. The issue of resource shortages will play an even more prominent role in international relations and will become an increasing source of conflict among major powers. Given the fact that some countries are more generously endowed with strategic resources, this opens up the possibility of using these tools for political gain. Historically, economic diplomacy has contributed to the shifting balance of power in the world. Nations have more often been inclined to employ economic measures in pursuit of foreign policy objectives when “the legitimacy of the power of existing structures of international cooperation decreases.” The result of the current realignment of geo-economic power will encourage nations to reassess the effectiveness of their energy, economic, and foreign policies.

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Defense Annual Report indicated that Beijing’s regional energy strategy is geared to alleviate China’s heavy dependence on sea lines of communication (SLOC) and in particular on the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca and Hormuz. At present, it has a limited ability to control the flow of commodities over the Indian Ocean and through these straits. In response, China has invested heavily in bilateral relations and in developing infrastructure to support its fleet in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. Also China has multiple agreements to pipe oil and natural gas in from energy-rich Central Asian neighbors. The country is constructing a pipeline through Myanmar to bypass the Strait of Malacca. In spite of these developments, new land pipelines will only slightly alleviate the growing need in the future for maritime-based hydrocarbon transport. Also Central Asian oil can be too much of a good thing. On any given day, Russia is the world’s first or second largest oil producer, second largest oil exporter, and second largest gas producer. As Anatol Lieven says, Russia has long assumed China would be forced to depend on it for………


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P. Bergeijk et al. “Economic Diplomacy,” The Hague Journal for Diplomacy, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2011, pp. 1-6.

See: H. Philippens, “Fueling China’s Maritime Modernization: The Need to Guarantee Energy security,” Journal of Energy Security, IAGS, December 2011, p. 2.

See: P. Bergeijk et al., op. cit., p. 2.

See: H. Philippens, op. cit., p. 3.

See: Ibid., p. 4.

See: T.M. Ashraf, “China Seeks an Afghan Stepping-Stone,” Asia Times Online, 16 May, 2008, available at [].

See: N. Swanström, “China and Greater Central Asia: New Frontiers?,” Silk Road Paper, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Silk Road Studies Program, December 2011, pp. 37-38.

L. Dittmer, “The Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 10, No. 28, 2001, p. 413.

See: “Real Clear World Video—China Agrees to Increase Pressure on Iran,” 15 April, 2010, available at [].

See: N. Swanström, op. cit., p. 76.

See: N. Norling, “The Emerging China—Afghanistan Relationship,” CACI Analyst, 14 May, 2008, available at [], 11 March, 2011.

“Karzai Says Afghanistan Wants to Copy American Democracy, China’s Economic Success,” Voice of America, 20 June, 2006, available at [].

See: “Hu Jintao Holds Talks with Afghan President Karzai,” Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco, 24 March, 2010, available at [].

See: N. Swanström, op. cit., p. 39.

See: B. Stephen, “China’s Emerging Energy Nexus with Central Asia,” Jamestown Foundation, China Brief, Vol. 6, Issue 15, 19 July, 2006.

See: Ibidem.

See: A. Homayoun, Gr. Compley, V. Bodansky, “Iran Gains Strategic Momentum Balancing Russia, the PRC and the West,” Defense and Foreign Affairs, Special Analysis, 10 December, 2009 (for further reading on this subject, see: Th.N. Marketos, “China’s Energy Geopolitics: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Central Asia,” Routledge Contemporary China Series, 2009).

See: J. Bospotinis, “Sustaining the Dragon, Dodging the Eagle and Barring,” The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2010, p. 76.

See: Sh. Repsol, “Wary of Iran Deal: Report,” Payvand News, 3 May, 2008.

See: “US Fearful of Iran-Europe Gas Deals,” Payvand News, 3 May, 2008.

See: D. Gollust, “Major Powers Make New Incentives Offer to Iran,” VOA, London, 3 May, 2008.

See: Ibidem.

See: R. Molavi, M. Shareef, “Iran’s Energy Mix and Europe’s Energy Strategy,” Durham University Centre for Iranian Studies, Policy Brief, 2008.

See: I. Grigoriadou, “Evropaiki Energiaki Asfaleia—Ellhno-Tourkiki Synergasia” (European Energy Security—Greek-Turkish Cooperation), ELIAMEP, Policy Brief, No. 12, December 2008 (see also: Yu. Vladimir, “Iran and Russia: New Start after 30-year Pause,” Strategic Culture Foundation, 27 January, 2009, available at []).

See: M.D. Nazemroaya, “The Eurasian Triple Entente: Touch Iran in a War, You Will Hear Russia and China,” Strategic Culture Foundation, 22 January, 2012, p. 2.

See: H. Philippens, op. cit., p. 4.

See: H. Philippens, op. cit.

R.D. Kaplan, “The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power,” Random House, 2010.







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