
  • Lydia KARMAZINA Ph.D. (Political Science), associate professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science,School of International Relations, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Author


The democratic changes underway in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are focused on the development of parties and the party system, which explains the immense interest in the process demonstrated by their own and foreign communities of political scientists. They concentrate on the emergence and stages of the parties’ development, their legal institutionalization, the “party of power” phenomenon, conduct of parties in election campaigns, the way a definite type of party system took shape, etc.
 Kazakhstani political scientist D. Satpaev has offered a highly imaginative formula: “some trends of their political development make Russia and Kazakhstan look like identical twins.”1 This is particularly true of the process that resulted in a multi-party system, the similarity of which in both countries has been confirmed by Russian authors as well.2

 This article can be described as an attempt to present a comparative analysis of the emergence and development of parties as political institutions in both countries in the context of their histories. This approach suggests parallels, formulates common criteria, identifies common trends, and reveals the specifics of institutionalization of the party arena in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Between the 18th and the late 19th centuries Russia and Kazakhstan formed a single state marked by “catching up modernization,” which explains the synthesis (intertwining) and simultaneous existence of pre-capitalist, early capitalist, and developed capitalist relations. This explains the highly unstable social structure and social exclusion of some of the population groups.



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Quoted from: Yu. Susloparov, “Reanimator-2. Nur-Otan na vykhode iz politicheskogo komatoza. 16 sentiabria 2008,” available at [].

See: Yu. Solozobov, “Kazakhstan kak politicheskaia machina vremeni. Blizka li Rossii izbrannaia im model mod-ernizatsii. 28 iulia 2008,” available at [

rchive/public_details9218.html?id=736]; Kazakhstan: zhdat li uragana nad ostrovom stabilnosty. Partii strany nakanune vy-borov glavy gosudarstva. 18 avgusta 2005, available at [http://].

See: Politicheskie partii Rossii: istoria i sovremennost, ed by Prof. A.I. Zevelev, Prof. Yu.P. Sviridenko and Prof. V.V. Shelokhaev, ROSSPEN Publishers, Moscow, 2000, p. 75.

See: L.M. Spirin, Politicheskie partii Rossii: entsiklopedia, Moscow, 1996, p. 7.

See: Politicheskie partii Rossii: istoria i sovremennost, p. 79.

Ibid., p. 80.

See: V.V. Krivenky, “Novye dannye sravnitelno-kolichestvennogo analiza politicheskikh partiy Rossii,” in: Isto-

ria natsionalnykh politicheskikh partiy Rossii, Moscow, 1997, pp. 123-130; Krasnaya kniga VCheKa, ed. by M.I. Latsis,Vols. 1-2, Moscow, 1922 (2nd edition, 1989).

Politicheskie partii Rossii: istoria i sovremennost, p. 543.

See, for example: M.V. Barabanov, Politicheskie partii sovremennoy Rossii: stanovlenie, osobennosti, perspektivy,Author’s synopsis of candidate thesis, Moscow, 2001, pp. 13-14; Osnovy teorii politicheskikh partiy: Uchebnoe posobie,ed. by S.E. Zaslavskiy, Evropa Publishers, Moscow, 2007, pp. 241-258; O.Z. Mushtuk, Politologia: Uchebnoe posobie,Market DS, Moscow, 2006, pp. 400-407; Politologia: Uchebnik, ed. by Prof. A.G. Griaznova, 3rd revised and enlarged edition, INFRA-M, Moscow, 2007, pp. 206-208 and others.

See, for example: S.A. Diachenko, Partogenez v Kazakhstane: sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivy, Almaty, 1997,pp. 52-53; S.A. Diachenko, L.I. Karmazina, Respublika Kazakhstan: osobennosti politicheskoy modernizatsii, Almaty, 1999,pp. 71-72.

See: Group of authors: A.S. Avtonomov, A.B. Ziabrev, A.G. Mekhanik, M.Yu. Mizulin, V.V. Smirnov, “Po-liticheskie partii. Zachem oni nuzhny,” ed. by V.N. Pligin and V.A. Fadeev, Strategia Rossii, No. 9-10, 2005, available at [ &start_from=&ucat=14&]; S.A. Diachenko, L.I. Karmazina, op. cit.

See: Osnovy teorii politicheskikh partiy: Uchebnoe posobie, p. 244.

See: S. Diachenko, L. Karmazina, S. Seydumanov, Politicheskie partii Kazakhstana, 2000 god (spravochnik),Almaty, 2000, p. 289.

See: Yu.G. Korguniuk, S.E. Zaslavsky, “Rossiiskaia mnogopartiinost: stanovlenie, funktsionirovanie, razvitie,”Fond INDEM, Moscow, 1996, available at [].

See: Politicheskie partii, dvizhenia i organizatsii sovremennoy Rossii na rubezhe vekov. 1999 g. Analiticheskiy spravochnik, ed. by I.N. Barygin, V.A. Mikhaylov Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 32, 34.

See, for example: M.V. Barabanov, op. cit.; Ia.A. Pliais, “Partiynoe stroitelstvo v Rossii. Analiz dissertatsionnykh issledovaniy rossiiskikh politologov,” Polis, No. 5, 2007, p. 156.

See: G. Sartori, Parties and Party Systems: A Framework for Analysis, Vol. 1, New York, Cambridge, 1976,pp. 122-179.

Politicheskie partii, dvizhenia i organizatsii sovremennoy Rossii na rubezhe vekov. 1999 g. Analiticheskiy sprav-ochnik, p. 7.

See: O.Z. Mushtuk, op. cit., p. 401.

See: S. Diachenko, L. Karmazina, S. Seydumanov, op. cit., pp. 295, 308.

See: M.S. Fish, “The Advent of Multipartism in Russia: 1993-1995,” Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1995.

See: Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia; Declaration of State Sovereignty of Kazakhstan; “Zakon SSSR ot 9 oktiabria 1990 g. ‘Ob obshchestvennykh obiedineniakh,’” in: Vedomosti Siezda narodnykh deputatov SSSR i Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, No. 42, 1990; “Zakon Kazakhskoy SSSR ‘Ob obshchestvennykh obiedineniakh v Kazakhskoy SSR’”, Almaty,1991; “Zakon respubliki Kazakhstan ‘O gosudarstvennoy nezavisimosti Respubliki Kazakhstan’”, Almaty, 1991; The Con-stitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art 13.

See: A. Riabov, “‘Partia vlasti’ v politicheskoy sisteme sovremennoy Rossii,” Moskovskiy Tsentr Carnegie. Nauch-nye doklady, Issue 22, 1998, available at [].

See: Rossia: partii, vybory, vlast, Obozrevatel, Moscow, 1996, pp. 179-181; Russkaia mysl, No. 41-45, 17-23,October, 1996; V.D. Vinogradov, N.A. Golovin, Politicheskaia sotsiologia, St. Petersburg University Press, St. Petersburg,1997, pp. 87-120; S.I. Stepanov, Problema tipologii rossiiskikh politicheskikh partiy, Author’s synopsis of candidate the-sis, Rostov-on-Don, 1988; Politicheskie partii, dvizhenia i organizatsii sovremennoy Rossii na rubezhe vekov. 1999 g.

naliticheskiy spravochnik, p. 15; O.Z. Mushtuk, op. cit., pp. 401-404 ff.

See: S.A. Diachenko, op. cit., pp. 57, 62.

See: G. Sartori, op. cit.

See: M.V. Barabanov, op. cit.

See: Osnovy teorii politicheskikh partiy: Uchebnoe posobie, p. 257.

See: “Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan ‘O politicheskikh partiiakh,’” available at [

dok=02113&ogl= all].

See, for example: M.S. Mashanov, “Priniataia v Kazakhstane majoritarnaia sistema vyborov bez instituta partiy-nykh spiskov ne sposobstvuet formirovaniu silnykh politicheskikh partiy,” PANORAMA, No. 40, October, 1995; S.A. Di-achenko, op. cit., p. 74; A.E. Chebotarev, “Pravovye problemy politicheskikh partiy Kazakhstana v perekhodny period,”Pravovoe razvitie: informatsionno-analiticheskiy biulleten obshchestvennogo obedinenia “Pravovoe razvitie Kazakhstana,”No. 1 (7), January, 1997, pp. 9-16.

See: “Federalny zakon ot 19 maya 1995 g. No. 82-FZ ‘Ob obshchestvennykh obedineniakh,’” SZ RF, No. 21, 1995;

Federalny zakon ot 19 iulia 1998 g. No. 112-FZ ‘O vnesenii izmeneniy i dopolneniy v Federalny zakon “Ob obshchest-vennykh obedineniakh” ot 19 maya 1995 g.,’” SZ RF, No. 28, 1998; “Zakon Rossiiskoy Federatsii ‘O politicheskikh par-tiakh,’” available at [ Regnom=1437].

See: Osnovy teorii politicheskikh partiy: Uchebnoe posobie, p. 158.

See: “Opisanie izbiratelnoy sistemy i rezultatov vyborov 1995 goda,” in: Vybory deputatov Gosudarstvennoy Dumy 1995 goda. Elektoralnaia statistika, Moscow, 1996.

D.V. Chizhov, Rossiiskie politicheskie partii kak institut grazhdanskogo obshchestva i politicheskoy sistemy, Au-thor’s synopsis of candidate thesis, Moscow, 2006, p. 15.

See: M.V. Barabanov, op. cit.

See: “Ukaz Presidenta RK, imeiushchi silu Konstitutsionngo zakona ‘O vyborakh v Respublike Kazakhstan,’”Kazakhstanskaia Pravda, 30 September, 1995.

See: Kostitutsionny zakon respubliki Kazakhstan “O vyborakh v Respublike Kazakhstan” (s izmeneniami i dopol-neniami), TOO Baspa, Almaty, 1998.

See: “Zakon Rossiiskoy Federatsii ‘O politicheskikh partiiakh,’” available at [

how.fwx? Regnom=1437]; “Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan ‘O politicheskikh partiiakh,’” available at [http://www. all].

See: “Spisok zaregistrirovannykh politicheskikh partiy Rossiiskoy Federatsii,” available at [http://www.

ndex.php?menu=3010000000]; “Politicheskie partii Kazakhstana,” available at [


See: M.V. Barabanov, op. cit., pp. 10-11.

“Vystuplenie prezidenta RK na otkrytii II sessii Parlamenta RK,” available at [








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