
  • Nuria KUTNAEVA MS (Polit.), analyst, the Politics, Religion,Security Research Center (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) Author


Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kyrgyzstan started hastily building its own Armed Forces. Although the Kyrgyz Republic inherited some military units and weapons from the powerful Soviet Empire, it lacked defense infrastructure and efficient command personnel. More than 15 years have passed since then. During this time a national military security system has been put in place, the Armed Forces being its core.   This article considers the status of Kyrgyzstan’s Armed Forces, the evolution of state security policy, and measures to advance military reform in the republic. 

 Kyrgyzstan’s Armed Forces comprise ground, naval, air, and air defense units, military agencies and military training establishments, and local military command and control agencies.2 At present, in accordance with the Military Doctrine of the Kyrgyz Republic (Art 2.12), the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan comprise:

1. The Defense Ministry.

2. The Border Service.

3. The Interior Ministry (MVD) Internal Troops.

4. The National Security Service.

5. The Environmental Protection and Emergency Situations Ministry.

6. The National Guard 

 7. The State Protection Service.

8. Military Justice Agencies.

Structurally, the Armed Forces include general purpose forces, rapid deployment, rapid reaction and state border protection forces.

The Armed Forces are built on the basis of a professional, regular army. The president is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces. The general supervision of the Armed Forces is exercised by the president and the government. Immediate command of the Armed Forces is ensured by the Defense Ministry through the General Staff, which is an agency that provides direct command and control of troops and develops plans for the use of troops.3

At present, the Defense Ministry has about 8,0000 servicemen.4 


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In the present article, the terms “military reform”and “reform of the Armed Forces” are used interchangeably.

ince the Defense Ministry is the core of the Armed Forc-es of the Kyrgyz Republic, this article devotes more atten-tion to activities implemented by the ministry.

The Law on Defense No. 1462-XII of 13 April, 1994, Art 13.

Ibid., Art 13 (see also: Military Doctrine, Arts 1.11-1.18).

See: A. Kasybekov, “Armia opiat’ stala ne nuzhna?” Vechernii Bishkek, 22 September, 2006, available at [http://], 3 March, 2007.

KR Government Resolution No. 298 of 9 July, 1993, On Sending a Military Contingent to Reinforce the Protec-tion of the Tajik-Afghan State Border. In September 1993, the peacekeeping force comprised, in addition to a Kyrgyz bat-talion, a Russian division (6,000 servicemen) and an Uzbek battalion (450) (see: R. Burnashev, “Tadzhikistan: politika i vooruzhennye sily,” KontinenT, available at [], 20 May, 2007).

KR Government Resolution No. 396 of 8 June, 1994, On Progress of Reform in the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.


KR Government Resolution No. 570 of 28 August, 1998, On Measures to Implement Resolution No. 1 of 31 July,1998 of the KR Security Council, On the Status of Military Reform in the KR and Measures to Intensify It.


KR military doctrine was adopted on 23 March, 2002 by the KR Security Council Resolution On the Military Doctrine of the Kyrgyz Republic during the Transition Period until 2010.

The raid was an attempt by militants to break through Kyrgyz territory to Uzbekistan. In addition to that, shortly before the incursion, neighboring Tajikistan announced the closure of a civilian disarmament program.

See: E. Satybekov, A. Kasybekov, “Batken: ispytanie na prochnost,” Vechernii Bishkek, 16 October, 2002, avail-able at [], 15 May, 2007.

In relation to the average rate of the dollar in 1999-2000—1.2 billion som.

A. Kasybekov, “Batken zhivet v nashikh serdtsakh,” Vechernii Bishkek, 31 May, 2004, available at [http://], 17 May, 2007.

See: D. Glumskov, “Mirnogo neba, zemliaki,” Vechernii Bishkek, 24 March, 2000.

According to the KR National Bank exchange rate. Sources for 2001-2002 data: Otchet po itogam proverki Otch-eta Pravitelstva Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki ob ispolnenii respublikanskogo biudzheta za 2002 god, Schetnaia palata KR,available at [], 31 May, 2007. Sources for 2003 data: Raskhodnaia chast biudzhe-ta za 2003 god, KR Finance Ministry, available at [],31 May, 2007.

A. Otorbaeva, “Ves generalitet, i ob odnom,” Vechernii Bishkek, 15 June, 2004, available at [

/06/15/panorama/6.html], 1 June, 2007.

“Pomogi armii,” Vechernii Bishkek, 20 April, 2004, available at [],25 March, 2007.

Statute No. 332 of 14 October, 1998, On the Main Directorate of the Border Service of the Defense Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic.

For example, in May 1999, the Border Service was divided in two wings—the Main Border Protection Directo-rate, as part of the Defense Ministry, with the function of protecting the state border (about 3,000 servicemen). The second wing, the Main for Border Control Directorate (about 300 servicemen), as part of the National Security Ministry, tasked with ensuring controlled border crossing (see: Decree of the President of the KR No. 131 of 28 May, 1999, On the Border Service of the KR).


Decree of the President of the KR No. 241 of 31 August, 2002, On the Border Service of the KR.

Decree of the President of the KR No. 366 of 18 November, 2003, On Introducing the Amendments into the De-cree of the President of the KR On the Border Service of the KR of 31 August, 2002, and Decree of the President of the KR No. 352 of 13 October, 2004, On Introducing the Amendments into the Decree of the President of the KR On the Bor-der Service of the KR of 31 August, 2002.

See: Iu. Orlova, “Kirghizia sozdaet sobstvennye sily bystrogo razvertyvania,” RIA Novosti, 2 August, 2002, avail-able at [], 20 March, 2007.

See: I. Plugatarev, “Est vse, krome lichnogo sostava,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 26 January, 2007, available at [http://], 25 March, 2007.

See: Decree of the President of the KR No. 184 of 15 July, 2000, On the Establishment of the Bishkek Military School of the Armed Forces of the KR, and KR Government Resolution No. 12 of 17 January, 2001, On Implementation of the Decree of the President of the KR No. 184 of 15 July, 2000, On the Establishment of the Bishkek Military School of the Armed Forces of the KR.

A series of interviews Kak obesptechit zashchitu granits Kyrgyzstana? 5 June, 2006, an interview with K. Tynaliev,deputy chief of staff of the KR Armed Forces, available at [

lics_border_security], 26 May, 2007.

See: “Dinozavry v sapogakh,” Vechernii Bishkek, 30 July, 2004, available at [

anorama/14.html], 20 April, 2007.

Iu. Orlova, “Kirghizia pristupit k formirovaniiu professionalnoi armii,” RIA Novosti, 2 August, 2002, available at [], 30 May, 2007.

See: S. Kozhemiakin, “Galina Afonina: ‘Ne nado boiatsia sluzhit v armii,’” Bely parokhod, 16 February, 2007,available at [], 16 February, 2007.

See: “Pomogi armii,” Vechernii Bishkek, 20 April, 2004.

E. Temir, “Nedorosli budut vkalyvat kak vse,” Vechernii Bishkek, 8 October, 2003, available at [http://], 29 June, 2007.

See: D. Karimov, “Deputatam teper ne khvataet armii,” Vechernii Bishkek, 27 May, 2003, available at [http://], 26 March, 2007.


Decree of the Acting President of the KR No. 183 of 23 May, 2005, On Measures to Improve State Administra-tion in the Security Sphere of the KR.

All militants were activists of the outlawed Islamic Movement of Afghanistan (IMU). Units of the National Security Service Special Operations Directorate Alfa, the Interior Ministry Special Purpose Forces, and the Border Troops partici-pated in the counter terrorism operation. KR losses: six killed, including four military servicemen; militant losses: four killed,one captured. There were 10 militants in all. According to law-enforcement agencies, the group planned to stage a number of terrorist attacks in the Ferghana Valley to “celebrate” the anniversary of the Andijan events in Uzbekistan (see: Iu. Kuz-minykh, “Oni vypolnili svoi dolg,” Vechernii Bishkek, 16 May, 2006, available at [

.html], 6 May, 2007).

Decree of the President of the KR No. 270 of 22 May, 2006, On Improving State Administration in Protecting the KR State Border.

See: “Deputaty otobrali u SNB belovorotnichkovye dela,” Delo No., 14 June, 2006.

Decree of the President of the KR No. 96 of 16 March, 2007, On Organizational Measures to Ensure the Imple-mentation of the KR Law on the Structure of the KR Government.

See: G. Platonov, “Osobennosti natsionalnogo prizyva,” Delo No., 18 October, 2006, available at [http://delo.], 28 March, 2007.

See: “Kirghizskaia armia pereshla na prizyv s 20 let,” Delo No., 14 June, 2006.

Decree of the Acting President of the KR No. 311 of 11 August 2005, On National Military Uniforms and Insig-nia in the Armed Forces of the KR.

See: T. Orlova, “Voyennye raportuiut s optimizmom,” MSN, 22 November, 2005, available at [

u/news/12028/], 27 March, 2007.

S. Kozhemyakin, op. cit.


See: Zh. Ibraliev, “V Kyrgyzstane vozrozhdaiut traditsii torzhestvennykh provodov prizyvnikov v armiu,”,17 October, 2006, available at [], 7 April, 2007.

See: S. Kozhemyakin, op. cit.

KR Government Resolution No. 144 of 6 March, 2006, On the KR Government Conclusion concerning the Draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Parliamentary Control over the KR Military Organizations.

See: Zh. Ibraliev, “Parlament Kyrgyzstana odobril zakonoproekt o parlamentskom kontrole nad voyennymi organ-izatsiiami KR,”, 11 January, 2007, available at [], 10 April, 2007.

See: L. Bondarets, “Vooruzhennoe stolknovenie 12 maia 2006 goda: uroki, vyvody, predlozhenia,” Otkrytyi Kyr-gyzstan, available at [], 16 March, 2007.

A series of interviews, Kak obesptechit zashchitu granits Kyrgyzstana? 5 June, 2006. An interview with K. Ty-naliev.

The other four agencies—the National Security Service, the State Protection Service, the Interior Ministry Inter-nal Troops, and the Ministry for Affairs of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, and Elimination of Natural Disasters—are included in the “Public Order and Security” category (see: “Poiasnitelnaia zapiska k proektu biudzheta KR na 2007 god,”KR Finance Ministry, available at [], 26 May, 2007.

A series of interviews, Kak obesptechit zashchitu granits Kyrgyzstana? 5 June, 2006. An interview with K. Ty-naliev.

Ibidem. An interview with D. Kozhobergenov, Chief of the Main Operations Department, deputy chief of staff of the Border Service, available at [], 28 May, 2007.

See: L. Bondarets, op. cit.

RF Defense Minister’s Order No. 490 of 16 November, 2006, On the Formation of the Public Council at the RF Defense Ministry.

The Manas air base of the U.S.-led antiterrorist coalition is located not far from Bishkek (established in 2001). The Kant air base of the Collective Security Treaty Organization is located in the town of Kant, 20 km from Bishkek (established in 2003).

A series of interviews, Kak obesptechit zashchitu granits Kyrgyzstana? 5 June, 2006. An interview with Col.

u. Pogrebniak (Ret.), available at [], 26 May, 2007.

E.g., an interview with KR Defense Minister I. Isakov (quoted from: Iu. Gruzdov, “U silnoi armii—krepkiye tyly,”MSN, 4 October, 2005, available at [], 30 May, 2007); a news conference by M. Bek-boev, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, first deputy defense minister of Kyrgyzstan (quoted from: “Armia sovershenst-vuetsia,” MSN, 18 October, 2005, available at [], 31 May, 2007).

A series of interviews, Kak obesptechit zashchitu granits Kyrgyzstana? 5 June, 2006. An interview with K. Ty-naliev.







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