Immunological and Bacteriological Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Hamad Israa Zuhier Department of Biology; College of Science; Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Abdul Fatima Rammadan Department of Biology; College of Science; Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Subhi Hanan Tariq Department of Biology; College of Science; Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Escherichia coli, Autistic, IL-1 , IL-17a


 Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an intricate neurodevelopmental disorder generally demonstrated in the first few years of life and treatment to persist into adolescence and adulthood. In this study was (50) total number of ASD patients. While 30 as controls from Baghdad. All isolates were obtained from the stool of patients and number ofisolates Escherichia coli was (n = 4, 25%). While the results showed serum levels ofinterlukin-1 and IL-17a in Autistic patients by using ELISA technique, the mean level of IL-1 and IL-17a were higher in patient group (2275.89 ± 77.38pg/ml) , (1457.72 ± 35.66pg//ml) , than control group (429.33 ± 35.84pg/ml) , (963.64 ± 8.91pg/ml) respectively, this variance was significant ((P <0.001)). 


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How to Cite

Israa Zuhier , H., Fatima Rammadan , A., & Hanan Tariq , S. (2023). Immunological and Bacteriological Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder. History of Medicine, 9(1).