Isolation and molecular identification of Klebsiella pneumonia from different human samples in Anbar province


  • Saleh Nada Ali Attalah Department of Biology/College of Edecation for pur sciences/Anbar of University/Iraq Author
  • Al-Mehmdi Mustafa Dawood Aasi Department of Biology/Education college for Women/Anbar of University/ Iraq Author


Klebsiella pneumonia, Urine, Burns, Wound


 This study aimed to isolate and molecular identifying of Klebsiella pneumonia from different human samples in Anbar province. Patients sent to clinics in the province of Anbar with burns, and wounds of all ages and gender s provided a total of 92 samples. The samples were collected using sterile, single-use cotton swabs, while urine samples were taken by tube and centrifuged and take from sediment, then all stored in BHI broth, and then cultured for 24 hours at 37°C on MacConkey agar. The suspected isolates were diagnosed according to microbiological reference. The DNA of suspected bacteria were extracted by using of kit purchased from Geneaid company, the extraction process was carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Two genes were examined among the suspected isolates, these were 16S rRNA and rmpA. Two hours of electrophoresis were carried out using a 70 volt/35 mAmp current. With the use of a UV transilluminator, the DNA bands were seen and captured on camera. The results demonstrate that 12(13%) K. pneumoniae isolates were found from 92 clinical samples, with 8 (66.7%) coming from urine, 3 (25%) from burns, and 1 (8.3%) from a wound. The antibiotic sensitivity test showed that the highest sensitivity rate of K. pneumonia was recorded to imipenem (70%), gentamycin (65%), ciprofloxacin (60%) and streptomycin (50%), while the lowest sensitivity rate was recorded to tetracycline (20%) and trimethoprim (30%). The 16S rRNA gene was used for the molecular identification of all isolates (12). When the rmpA primer was used to amplify 12 K. pneumoniae isolates, 3 isolates (25%) tested positive for the rmpA gene. In conclusion, Klebsiella pneumonia was isolated at significant point especially from patient with UTI and these isolates were confirmed molecularly by using 16S rRNA gene. 


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How to Cite

Nada Ali Attalah, S., & Mustafa Dawood Aasi, A.-M. (2023). Isolation and molecular identification of Klebsiella pneumonia from different human samples in Anbar province. History of Medicine, 9(1).