Estimation the Importance of Serum Calcium Level Depending on The Effect Index in Coronary Artery Obstruction


  • Majeed Maysaa J. University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Lafta Ahlam Ali University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Al Alwany Ameen Abdulhasan University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Atherosclerosis, calcium score, atherogenic index, oxidized LDL, hyperlipidemia


 Many researches relied on the importance of treating high cholesterol to prevent heart disease, and taking calcium and its level was not among the therapeutic considerations for the heart, this hypothesis gave an impetus to studying the serum level of calcium and lipid profile in patients who are at risk of atherosclerosis, and is calcium regulation of the same importance as treating lipids, or does the lipids clear of the atherosclerosis risk? One hindered and eighty individuals whose ages were from (40-70 years), they were divided into two groups according to their calcium score, in addition to the healthy group, the work was carried out between October 2022 and December 2022, diagnosis was made by a cardiac specialist in the Ghazi Al-Hariri Hospital for Surgical Specialties. To achieve the purpose of the study serum lipid profile, troponin, oxidized LDL, ionized calcium and atherogenic index were analyzed. Serum TG/HDL ratio in patients with high Ca-score show the highest level (with p ≤ 0.05) when compared with patient have normal Ca-score and healthy subjects, Patient have high Ca-score have lowest serum Ca-ionized level in comparison with the two groups (with p≤ 0.05). those patients have the highest serum level of oxidized LDL and troponin when compared with the two other groups. The nonsignificant difference of the both ratio s. TG/HDL and LDL/HDL between patients have high calcium score and normal calcium score strongly suggests that cardiologists must take serum calcium inning in their treatment. 


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How to Cite

Maysaa J. , M., Ahlam Ali , L., & Ameen Abdulhasan , A. A. (2023). Estimation the Importance of Serum Calcium Level Depending on The Effect Index in Coronary Artery Obstruction. History of Medicine, 9(1).