Comparison of efficacy of intralesional methotrexate and Vitamin D3 injections in the treatment of common war


  • Hussein Hero Ibrahim Kurdistan higher council for medical specialities, dermatology program/ Erbil Dermatology teaching centre, Erbil City, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Author
  • Qurtas Dindar Sharif Hawler Medical University/ College of medicine/ Dermatology department. Erbil City, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Author
  • Yaaqub Pers Yousif Hawler Medical University/ College of medicine/ Dermatology department. Erbil City, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Author


Common Warts, Methotrexate, Vitamin D3, Adverse Effect.


 Background: Wart is a common disease caused by infection with human papillomavirus; there are many modalities for treatment, where most of them resolve wart with many side effects as scars and recurrence. Patients and Methods: A Hospital based prospective interventional study was conducted from December 2021 to December 2022 among patients with cutaneous warts attending Erbil Dermatology Teaching centre. A detailed history was recorded and thorough physical examination was done. Clinical photographs were taken before and during each visit. Methotrexate and vitamin D3 were injected intralesionally at the base of warts for each group after applying topical anaesthesia. The injections were repeated at 2 weekly intervals until complete clearance or for a maximum of 4 injections. Patients were followed up for a maximum period of 4 months. Results: complete clearance of the target injected warts occurred in 40% of patients in cases methotrexate group while it occurred only in 5% of patients in vitamin group (P=0.2965) that was no significant difference between two therapeutic treatments. Our result represented adverse events were local reactions in the form of swelling and pain in both groups. Conclusion: Comparing the therapeutic effects of intralesional MTX injection with vitamin D3 in the treatment of common warts, there was no statistically significant difference. 


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How to Cite

Hero Ibrahim , H., Dindar Sharif , Q., & Pers Yousif , Y. (2023). Comparison of efficacy of intralesional methotrexate and Vitamin D3 injections in the treatment of common war. History of Medicine, 9(1).