Effect Of Vitamin D Correction in Depressed Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Reflection of This on General Health


  • Elkader Tamer Mohamed Abd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Damietta. Egypt Author
  • Ibrahim Amal H Department of internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Shoman Heba Department of internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Ahmed Marwa Mohy Eldin Abdelrahman Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt. Author
  • Abdelaziz Sarah Younes Department of clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Abdul-Mohymen Abeer Mohammed Department of clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Elsaid Marwa A. Department of clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Yehia Fatima G. Department of clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • Darwish Medhat Mohamed Abdelsalam Department of Medical Biochemistry, faculty of medicine, Al-Azhar university, Cairo, Egypt Author
  • Arafa Shaymaa Mohammed Department of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Author
  • Hammouda Safaa Mahmoud Department of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Author
  • Gabr Amgad Ahmed Meshref Department of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Author
  • Khalifa Ahmed Mohamed Department of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Author
  • Amin Mona M. Department of pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo Author
  • Hamouda Maryam Mohammed Mohammed Department of pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo Author
  • ALfiky Hanan Ahmed Abd Almohymen Department of pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo Author


Vitamin D, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, Depression, General Health


Background: A person who has metabolic syndrome is more likely to experience diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for maintaining healthy bones, immune system strength, and the control of insulin and glucose metabolism, among other physiological processes. Decreased vitamin D levels have been linked to an elevated likelihood of depression because vitamin D is crucial for healthy brain functioning. Aim: The current study's objective was to evaluate vitamin D levels in people with metabolic syndrome and depression and determine how their health would improve if their levels were raised. Method:100 depressed individuals with metabolic syndrome and vitamin D deficiency participated in the study, which was divided into two groups: 50 depressed patients with metabolic syndrome and vitamin D deficiency were placed in Group 1 and given antidepressants, diet control, and vitamin D replacement therapy. Group 2: 50 individuals suffering from depression who also had metabolic syndrome and a vitamin D deficiency underwent diet control and antidepressant treatment. Blood pressure, physical activities, and food habits were among the sociodemographic and clinical variables that were collected. The following laboratory tests were performed: liver functioning, renal functioning, fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile, vitamin D, and HbA1c. The cutoff point for vitamin D deficiency was <20 ng/mL. The clinical characteristics of vitamin D deficiency have been assessed. To evaluate depression, the Arabic version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II-ARABIC) was utilized. Results: The average age was 50.8 ± 6.6 years and 52.4 ± 6 years, with BMIs of 32.4 ± 2.4 kg/m2 and 32.7 ± 1.7 kg/m2, correspondingly, in the vitamin D as well as control groups. The baseline mean score of the BDIII scale was 19.55 ± 6.18 for the control group and 18.99 ± 5.95 for the vitamin D group with no significant differences between the groups (p=0.058). After 6 months of intervention, the mean score for the control group was 18.19 ± 4.17 and 16.77 ± 2.77 for the vitamin D group with a significant difference between the groups (p=0.039). By using the ANCOVA test for in-between groups comparison, there was a  statistically significant difference (p=0.029). Following six months, there was a great significant difference between the control and vitamin D group according to weight loss, DM, HTN, dyslipidemia, and depression (p<0.001). There was a significant variation between the two groups in the mean increase of 25(OH) D serum levels (16.8 ± 5.8 ng/ml for the vitamin D group vs. 0.8 ± 4.4 for the control group, pvalue <0.001). The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and metabolic syndrome and hypertension stayed significant after controlling for physical activity and eating patterns. Conclusion: Although the extent, nature, and implications of this association are uncertain, vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with higher blood pressure, depression, and the metabolic syndrome, in particular. 


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How to Cite

Tamer Mohamed Abd, E., Amal H , I., Heba , S., Marwa Mohy Eldin Abdelrahman , A., Sarah Younes , A., Abeer Mohammed , A.-M., Marwa A. , E., Fatima G. , Y., Medhat Mohamed Abdelsalam , D., Shaymaa Mohammed , A., Safaa Mahmoud , H., Amgad Ahmed Meshref, G., Ahmed Mohamed , K., Mona M. , A., Maryam Mohammed Mohammed , H., & Hanan Ahmed Abd Almohymen, A. (2023). Effect Of Vitamin D Correction in Depressed Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Reflection of This on General Health. History of Medicine, 9(1).