A Randomized Controlled Trial of Femoral Tunnel Fixation Devices, Aperture Fixation by Screw Vs. Suspensory Fixation by Endo-Button in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Restoration.


  • Hussain Bux Palh Hussain Bux Palh, Assistant Professor Orthopedic, Gambat Medical College Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Science GIMS Gambat Pakistan. Author
  • Abdul Rahman khan Abdul Rahman khan, Assistant Professor Orthopedic Surgery, Dow International Medical college, Dow university Hospital, ojha Campus, Karachi Pakistan. Author
  • Hassan Amir us Saqlain Hassan Amir us Saqlain, Orthopedic Consultant, Al Qassimi Hospital Sharjah UAE. Author
  • Malik Wasim Ahmed Majoka Malik Wasim Ahmed Majoka, Assistant Professor Orthopedic Surgery, Dow International Medical college, Dow university Hospital, ojha Campus, Karachi. Author
  • Nadeem Hassan Nadeem Hassan, Medical officer, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad Pakistan. Author
  • Aurangzeb Husain Qureshi Aurangzeb Husain Qureshi, Assistant Professor Orthopedic, Niazi Medical and Dental College Lahore Road Sargodha Pakistan Author


Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Suspensory, Aperture Fixation.


Background: With 200,000 cases in the US each year, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are among the most common sports-medicine injuries. Ligament repair has been demonstrated to be the most important barrier to anterior tibial translation (ATT) in the knee deficient in the ACL, especially for those who want to resume pivoting and highly competitive sports. Objective: The study was aimed to evaluate the outcomes of suspensory and aperture fixation methods for restoring soft tissue allografts in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Study Design: A randomized controlled trial. Place And Duration: This study was conducted in Gambat Medical College Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Science GIMS Gambat from August 2022 to August 2023. Methodology: A RCT was conducted after the formal approval from ethical review committee and obtaining the consent from the patient. All the patients admitted anterior cruciate ligament restoration were included in the study. Patients aged from 18 to 50 years who reported to have anterior cruciate ligament injury and chose to undergo reconstruction. Patients without any past history of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction history were made part of the study. We used the SPSS version 25.0 for data entry and analysis. For the quantitative variables, means and standard deviations were computed; for the qualitative variables, frequency and percentages were given. Results: The mean age of the patients in aperture fixation group was 39.89 (SD ±3.76) years and 38.42 (±3.12) years in suspensory fixation group. In the aperture fixation group, there were 10 (55.6%) patients with right sided injury and in the suspensory fixation group there were 12 (66.7%) patients with right sided injury. The outcomes measures according to IKDC preoperatively and postoperatively at different follow ups at 1st, 4th, 8th and 12th month showed no any significant difference in surgical outcomes of the both procedure in the study. Conclusion: Our data revealed no any significant differences in outcomes after a 12-month follow-up between ACL allograft surgery conducted utilizing aperture fixation and ACL allograft repair performed using suspensory fixation. 


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How to Cite

Bux Palh, H., Rahman khan, A., Amir us Saqlain, H., Wasim Ahmed Majoka, M., Hassan, N., & Husain Qureshi, A. (2023). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Femoral Tunnel Fixation Devices, Aperture Fixation by Screw Vs. Suspensory Fixation by Endo-Button in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Restoration. History of Medicine, 9(1).