Immunological tolerance induced by parasitic Infections in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus children


  • Hiba Ali Hadi AL-Khadhi Department of microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq Author
  • Hayam Khalis Al-Masoudi Department of microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq Author
  • Mohammed Salih Mahdi Consultant Doctor in Immunology, Imam-Al-Hussein medical Hospital, Karbala, Author


1DDM, TID, Thl, Th2,IL-2,IL-10 ,PG-E2,|3-cells FBS and HBAlc


Background: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), commonly referred to as Type 1 diabetes (T1D), is an irreversible, multifactorial auto-immune condition. The onset of diabetes has been linked to a lack of self-tolerance caused by beta-cell autoantigens., which causes the eradication of generating-insulin beta-cells by Thl cytokines. Parasites and their derivatives significantly alter the immune system by creating anti-inflammatory cytokines, which reduce excessive inflammation and allow the parasite to continue living within the host. Objective: The investigation’s objective is to identify immunological tolerance by parasite infections in type -1 diabetic children. Materials and Methods: A current review was carried out on 145 children (78males and 57females,1—12 years) grouped into (70 DM1,50 intestinal protozoa infections and 25mixed [DMlinfected by intestinal protozoa]) and 35 volunteers control showing the normal result of FBS and HBA1c (20 male and 15 female, 1-12 years). Collected (5) ml of venous blood samples were to measure fasting blood sugar, and glycated hemoglobin and Immunological tests were carried out to establish the quantitative amount of IL-2, IL-10, similarly Prostaglandin -E2 (PG-E2) in a manner (ELISA), and A stool sample was collected from (50 intestinal protozoa infections and 25 Mixed with 35 controls) in a sterile screw cap. For General Stool Examination to detect the causative agents and confirm the diagnosis by Rapid strips of Cryptosporidium +Giardia +Entamoeba, by Immuno- Chromatography (IC). Results: The results were analyzed by SPSS version 24 independent-sample T-test and Pearson correlation analysis, showed the level of IL-2 was high concentration &highly significant differences (p-value = in diabetic patients ,and mixed (89.5±37.8, 48.5±29 ng/1 )respectively compared with protozoal infection and control (19.2±4.2 and 25.4±7.6 ng/1,), IL-10 was high concentration &highly significant differences(p-value = in patients with protozoal infections and in mixed groups was (93.4±64.6, 82±59 ng/ml) respectively than control(25.4 ± 6 ng/ml),While Levels of the (IL-10) are decreased in T1DM (21.5±7 ng/ml) and PGE2 concentration was high concentration in parasitic infected patients and mixed groups (94.5±77, 89±37pg/ml) respectively as compared with controls (15.9 ± 6.8 pg/ml) and statistically significantly increased at (P=0.000, P 0.05) and low level (14.5±6.3 pg/ml) in DM1 patients as compared with controls (15.9±6.8 pg/ml) at (p=0.58) Conclusions: The conclusion of this study was the level of IL-2 in the mixed group was lower than DM1 that reflects the anti-inflammatory effect of protozoal to decrease the severity of Thl-cytokines on islets cells also increased level of IL-10 and PG-E2 in mixed group clarify its anti-inflammatory Th2 cytokines roles . 


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How to Cite

Ali Hadi AL-Khadhi, H., Khalis Al-Masoudi, H., & Salih Mahdi, M. (2023). Immunological tolerance induced by parasitic Infections in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus children. History of Medicine, 9(1).