Formulation and In vitro Evaluation of Peppermint Oil Based Nanoemulgel of Luliconazole for Topical Application


  • Ahmed M. Kmkm Ministry of Health and Environment, Babylon Health Directorate, Babylon, Iraq. Author
  • Mowafaq M. Ghareeb Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Nanoemulsion, Luliconazole, Nanoemulgel, Carbopol 934, Pseudo Ternary Phase Diagrams.


Background: Luliconazole is an imidazole antifungal agent belonging to dichlorobenzene class of organic compounds and is an optically active R enantiomer. It is practically insoluble in water. The study aims to formulate and evaluate gellified nanoemulsion of luliconazole as a topical usage to intensify antifungal activity by improving dispersibility and permeation of luliconazole. Methods: Three pseudo ternary phase diagrams were fabricated, including surface active agent mixture (S mix) represented by between 80 as surfactant and ethanol as cosurfactant at proportions of (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1), peppermint oil as an oil phase and aqueous phase. Fourteen formulas were prepared by using aqueous titration method and were taken for the characterization of prepared nanoemulsions, and then 0.5% carbopol 934 incorporated into selected formulas to obtain nanoemulgel formulas (G-l to G-6). These six nanoemulgels were introduced to specific evaluations. Results: G-2 was the optimal formula with oil: Smix (3:1): water (15:40:43.5) ratio containing 1% drug and 0.5% carbopol 934 characterised by fine droplet size (26.26), satisfactory polydispersity index PDI (0.30), excellent physical appearance, pH (6.1), which is within the range of the topical medication, accepted per cent of luliconazole content (98.13), encouraged viscosity (1131.72 mPa.sec) and higher releasing profile of the drug that improve therapeutic efficacy. The optimized formula subjected to further investigation that was given zeta potential (-10.48). Morphological studies demonstrated that the optimized formula (G-2) was nano-sized globules virtually shaped like a sphere; this suggests stability of intended nanoemulgel (G-2). According to FTIR studies, there was no interaction between luliconazole and the excipients used. Eventually, the luliconazole nanoemulgel (G-2) gave close antifungal bustle when contrasted to that of marketed Micazole® gel. Conclusions: The results advocate the future applying of developed nanoemulgels as vehicles for topical dosage form the transportation of luliconazole. 


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How to Cite

M. Kmkm, A., & M. Ghareeb, M. (2023). Formulation and In vitro Evaluation of Peppermint Oil Based Nanoemulgel of Luliconazole for Topical Application. History of Medicine, 9(1).