Predictive Biomarkers of Newly Diagnosed Patients with Plasma Cells Tumor


  • Zeyad Tareq Habeeb University of Kerbala/ College of Education of pure sciences /Iraq Author
  • Zainab A. Razak Al-Sharifi University of Baghdad / Collage of Medicine/Iraq Author
  • Rahem Mahdy Rahem University of Al-Ameed/ Collage of Medicine/Iraq Author


Plasma Cell Tumor, MM, Predictive Biomarkers, TIMP2, Cys-C


Renal failure refers to the kidneys’ inability to carry out their excretory duties, which causes the blood’s nitrogenous waste products to be retained; this activity reviews the causes, pathophysiology, presentation, and diagnosis of renal failure and emphasizes the role of the interprofessional team in its management. The generation of monoclonal immunoglobulin by the neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells is the hallmark of the disease known as Plasma Cell Tumor or Multiple Myeloma (MM); pathological fractures, osteolytic lesions, and/or substantial skeletal damage are frequently caused by the proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow.Aim of the study: Is found the correlation between predictive biomarkers of newly diagnosed plasma cells tumor.Materials and methods: Patients Hospital-Based cross-sectional study was conducted over sixteen months from May 2020 until August 2021. A total of 58 MM patients were involved in the study who were subjected to physical examination, standard clinical, radiological, and laboratory investigations and diagnosed by hematologists with MM from both genders. Blood samples and urine samples were collected to measure the concentrations of (TIMP2) and Cys-C.Results: Mean age of patients was (61.69 ± 11.12) years. The older patient was (80.0) years and younger patient was (34.0) years. More than half of patients were male (N=31, 53.4%). Stage I represents (N=22, 37.9%) of patients, Stage II represent (N=16, 27.6%) of patients) and Stage III represent (N=20, 34.5%) of patients. There were significant differences between means of TIMP2 (ng/ml) according to stages of multiple myeloma. There were no significant differences between means of Cystatin C (mg/1) according to stages of multiple myeloma. 


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How to Cite

Tareq Habeeb, Z., A. Razak Al-Sharifi, Z., & Mahdy Rahem, R. (2023). Predictive Biomarkers of Newly Diagnosed Patients with Plasma Cells Tumor. History of Medicine, 9(1).