Study The Effect of Tenoxicam and Ibuprofen Drugs Used for Treatment of Hyperuricemia in Blood Human


  • Allaa Hussein Mhdi Chemistry Lab, college of dentistry, Aliraqia university, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Tenoxicam, Ibuprofen, UV-Vi’s spectroscopy, Hyperuricemia, blood.


The high level of uric acid in infection leads to a high level of uric acid in the development of this disease, in addition to the high rate of heart disease and joints. The objective of this research was to develop, validate and used spectrophotometric Method in the quantitative determination of Tenoxicam and Ibuprofen drugsin pure and tablets preparations that used to decrease uric acid in blood human. Used tablets containing 20.0 mg of Tenoxicam and 400 mg of Ibuprofen were analyzed. Know which of the two drugs works on the uric acid enzyme? It must be qualitative and interact with the substance and go with it to be excreted outside the body and the concentration decreases or increases? The chemical results showed that the concentrations of the drug tablets of tenoxicam and ibuprofen are absorbed by the human blood and reduce the symptoms of the disease. 


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How to Cite

Hussein Mhdi, A. (2023). Study The Effect of Tenoxicam and Ibuprofen Drugs Used for Treatment of Hyperuricemia in Blood Human. History of Medicine, 9(1).