Pregnancy and left ventricular Echocardiography parameter


  • Dr. Hadeel Ali Mahamda M.B.Ch. B, D.G.O, C.A.B.O.G. Al-Iraqia University /college of medicine/Iraq Author
  • Dr. Ameen Al Alwany M.B.Ch.B,MD, PhD. University of Bagdad /College of medicine/Iraq. Author


left ventricular function, pregnancy, and echocardiography.


 Background: Profound maternal hemodynamic changes occur in order to satisfy the demands of a growing foetus. Early in pregnancy, peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) lowers, generating a considerable rise in cardiac output. Many parameters are employed for measuring the LV systolic function with different echocardiographic modalities including: M-Mode echocardiography, two-dimensional echocardiography, three-dimensional echocardiography, tissue doppler imaging. Objective: To determine the effects of first pregnancy on the LV systolic and diastolic function using Echocardiography. Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional study, conducted at Baghdad medical city in the time period from August 2020 to January 2021. Patients and controls were recruited among individuals attending the Obstetrics and Gynecology department and examined in the department of echocardiography and catheterization of the same hospital. A total of 80 women were enrolled in this study, and they were categorized into two groups: A set of 40 non pregnant women with mean age (24 ±3 year) served as controls. 40 pregnant women with normal singleton pregnancy (30-40 weeks of gestation) with mean age (23±2.6 year) served as study group. Results: the studied groups showed no significant difference in height and age with a significant increase in body weight in the study group over the control. Pregnant female group had mean BMI and BSA significantly higher than control group. Pregnant female group had a significant increase in Left ventricular internal dimensions during diastole (LVIDd) over controls, the Interventricular septal thickness (IVS) was significantly higher in pregnant female than controls. In pregnant women the A wave velocity didn’t have a significant difference compared to the control group, while E wave velocity and E/A ratio was significantly lower in pregnant women than controls, LA area was significantly higher in pregnant women over controls. Conclusions: Echocardiography isvery useful to determine the effects of first pregnancy on the LV systolic and diastolic function. 


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How to Cite

Ali Mahamda, H., & Al Alwany, A. (2023). Pregnancy and left ventricular Echocardiography parameter. History of Medicine, 9(1).