Evaluation the Gene Expression of P27 and SKP2 Genes in Iraqi Women Patients with Breast Cancer


  • Israa Allawi Luaibi Al-Hraishawi Department of Medical Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq. Author
  • Ziad M. Alkhozai Department of Medical Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq. Author
  • Hadeel Jabar Neama Almuoswi Department of Medical Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq. Author


breast cancer, p27and skp2 genes.


The current experiment has been conducted to evaluate the suppression activity of P27 and SKP2 genes by using qRT- PCR, Blood samples are taken from 60 patients' women with breast cancer to represent patients' group and 40 women without breast cancer to represent control group, the ages of both groups ranged from 30 to more than 50 years in the Al. Diwaniyah General Teaching Hospital in AL-Qadisiya province. Also, ROC curve analysis is used to demonstrate the accuracy and validity of previous parameters in detecting women with breast cancer and to estimate the sensitivity and specificity. The obtained results showed that the control group has showed significantly (p<0.01) effect on gene expression for P27 (10.882-fold change) comparison with patients groups (4.496-fold change), while the results of this study have explained that the gene expression of SKP2 for patients' group have inquired high significant (p<0.01) superiority which is 13.943-fold change compared to 3.494-fold change for control group. The age groups have no significant effect on gene expression for SKP2 and P27 genes. Analysis results of ROC curve for P27 gene expression explain it is a good indicator to detected the actually patients with breast cancer ,whereas the sensitivity and specificity is 81.7 and 22.5% respectively and the cut-off for P27 is less than 6.52 fold change, while the gene expression of SKP2 is non- efficient to detected patients with breast cancer, whereas the cut-off is more than 4.486 fold change ,the sensitivity and the specificity is 63.3 and 20%respectively. 


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How to Cite

Allawi Luaibi Al-Hraishawi, I., M. Alkhozai, Z., & Jabar Neama Almuoswi, H. (2023). Evaluation the Gene Expression of P27 and SKP2 Genes in Iraqi Women Patients with Breast Cancer. History of Medicine, 9(1).