Circulatory Periostin levels as a Biomarker of Asthma Severity


  • Amjed H. Abbas Ph.D., Medical Physiology, Hammurabi College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq Author
  • Shahlaa Kh. Chabuk Ph.D., Medical Physiology, Hammurabi College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq Author
  • Husam Mohammed Ali Salih M.B.Ch.B. DM., (Resp.), Alhussainiya general hospital, Karbala health directorate, Karbala, Iraq Author
  • Ahmed Hussein Jasim Ass. Prof, EI.B.M.S., (Resp.), College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq. Author
  • Dr. Munqith Abdul-mohsin Kadhim FICMS (med), EICMS (resp.), Al-Sadiq general hospital, Babylon health doctorate, Babil, Iraq Author
  • Hayder Abdul-Amir Al-Hindy Ph.D., (Med. Physiology), College of Pharmacy, University of Babylon, Iraq, Ass. Prof., Pediatrician, Cardiac Physiology, College of Pharmacy, University of Pharmacy, Babylon, Iraq Author


asthma, inflammation, biomarkers, periostin, FEV1, FVC, PEFR%.


Background: Asthma is a long-lasting inflammatory illness manifested as airway hyper responsiveness induced by a series of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract that can cause severe signs of an asthmatic attack. Periost in seems to subsidize numerous pathologic pathways in bronchial asthma, such as subepithelial fibrosis, eosinophil accumulations, and mucus overproduction from the goblet cells. This study intended to assess the plasma levels of periost in in bronchial asthma and its association with asthma severity. Methods: This was a case-control study, that included 163asthma patients and 152 healthy controls. The patients were diagnosed and supervised by the pulmonologists at Meijan Medical City hospital, Babylon, Iraq, in addition to serum levels of periostin, the study parameters included age, height, weight, gender, and family history, and the spirometric variables including FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio, PEFR%, and the level of asthma control were evaluated depending upon GINA-guidelines. Theserum levels of periostin were compared between asthma patients and the healthy control, using SPSS and a p-value < 0.05 as significant. Results: The mean ages of the studied members were 48.6 ± 5.9year, and 208 (65.6%) out of 317 were males. Serum periostin was significantly higher among the asthma group (P-0.05), the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) between asthmatic and control groups, which shows a significant difference (P-0.001). There was a significant difference in the distribution of periostin levels according to the severity of asthma based on the PEFR%, (P-0.001). Conclusion: The study concluded that measurements of serum periostin levels revealed a significant difference between asthmatic and healthy controls. Periostin levels were significantly increased with the severity of asthma based on the evaluation of PEFR%. 


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How to Cite

H. Abbas, A., Kh. Chabuk, S., Mohammed Ali Salih, H., Hussein Jasim, A., Abdul-mohsin Kadhim, M., & Abdul-Amir Al-Hindy, H. (2023). Circulatory Periostin levels as a Biomarker of Asthma Severity. History of Medicine, 9(1).