Study immunological parameters ADA activity and ferritin with Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy woman in Iraq


  • Ashjan Mohammed Hussein Dept Medical Techniques, AL Salam College, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Raghad. Hameed Rashid Dept Medical Techniques, AL Salam College, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Bassam Qasim Mohammed Dept Medical Techniques, AL Salam College, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Tareq Hafdhi Abdtawfeeq Dept Medical Techniques, Al-Farahidi College, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Toxoplasmosis, ADA activity and ferritin .


Toxoplasmosis is a protozoan illness that affects both poor and industrialized nations. Human infection occurred by incidental ingestion of oocyst-contaminated food, water, or others Toxoplasma an opportunistic pathogen in which the reactivation of a latent infection can cause death in congenitally infected fetuses, newborns, and immunocompromised patients, this study was to assess the seropositive rate of T. gondiiand and the possible association with its relation to high body ADA activity and ferritin in pregnancy patients womans and risk factors of toxoplasmosis infection In this study.. Venous blood samples were collected from 20 patients (20 samples of pregnancy womans with toxoplasmosis infected patients and 12 samples of healthy person as control group), their ages were ranged from 20 —41years. The patients attending Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Al- Yarmouk Teaching Hospital The elevated level ofADA had been observed pregnancy non pregnancy womans in toxoplasmosis patients while the high level of ADA was in the sera of patients (0.0000250 nanomol/minute/pg). significant (p< 0.05). difference was observed in the level of ADA activity between infected and healthy control groups. However, there was difference seen among the test groups for both studied parameters, of statistically there were significant (P 0.01) differences between these groups. On the other hand, ferritin level was ferritin concentration was observed in the pregnancy non pregnancy womans with Toxoplasmosis groups, which was 91.32 ng/ml. Ferritin was non significantly (P>0.05) different between the two groups, almost within the normal limits for all groups, and statistically there were no -significant (P 0.01) differences between them. Other factors parameters did not show significant differences between these two groups. Finally, this study showed that T. gondii played a significant role in changing only ADA level while other parameters Ferritin of were not influenced .The results of this study investigating immunological molecules Since most immunosuppressive patients are exposed to various possible risk factorsincludingToxoplasmaprimary infection or reactivation,, the effect of toxoplasmosis infection on the level such as ADA enzyme, and ferritin as possible parameters, so it is important to diagnose toxoplasmosis In conclusion, these results demonstrated that toxoplasmosis infection plays a pivotal role in increasing cytokines (ADA and ferritin) associated with pregnancy non pregnancy womans with prognosis for Toxoplasmosis disease and treat in  patients to reduce the consequences of the infection and development.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Hussein, A., Hameed Rashid , R., Qasim Mohammed, B., & Hafdhi Abdtawfeeq, T. (2023). Study immunological parameters ADA activity and ferritin with Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy woman in Iraq. History of Medicine, 9(1).