Preparation and Evaluation of Felodipine Drug Nanoparticles


  • Hiba Ezzat Hamed Department of pharmacy/ Al-Nisour University College/ Baghdad/ Iraq. Author


Felodipine, Nanoparticles, Particle Size,


The aim of this study is to formulate and evaluate felodipine nanoparticles using solvent anti solvent technology. Felodipine is a calcium-channel blocker with low aqueous solubility and bioavailability. Felodipine prepared as nano particles in order to improve its solubility and dissolution rate. Twelve formulas were prepared, and different stabilizing agents were used with different concentrations such as poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), poloxamer 407 and HPMC kl5. The ratios of drug to stabilizers used to prepare the nanoparticles were 1: 1 and 1:2. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for particle size, entrapment efficiency, dissolution study, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and atomic force microscopy. The percentage of drug entrapment efficiency of F1-F12 was ranged from 72% ± 1 to 93.2 % ± 1. On the other hand, dissolution rate increasing as the particle surface area is increase due to reduction of particle size to the nano range. 


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How to Cite

Ezzat Hamed, H. (2023). Preparation and Evaluation of Felodipine Drug Nanoparticles. History of Medicine, 9(1).