Ultrasound Elastography Innage Artifacts


  • Alotaibi Abdullah king Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department Author
  • Besbes Hatem King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department Author
  • Fatani Faiq King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department Author
  • Alharbi Fayez King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department Author


Ultrasound; elastography; Artifacts; Tissue stiffness; Diagnostic; Motion artifacts; Noise artifacts; Shadowing artifacts; Technical limitations; Image quality.


 Imaging methods based on elastography have come to be widely used in recent years for non-invasive evaluation of tissue mechanical characteristics. These methods use those soft tissues' elasticity changes in response to disease to provide both qualitative & quantitative diagnostic data. Tissue stiffness in reaction to a mechanical force [compression or a shear wave] is measured using specialized imaging modes. Methods based on ultrasound are intriguing because of their many built-in benefits, such as low cost & widespread availability [even at the bedside]. There are significant diagnostic & therapeutic applications for the measurement of tissue stiffness using ultrasound elastography. However, ultrasound elastography images can be affected by a variety of artifacts that can result in false or misleading information. These artifacts can arise from various sources, such as patient motion, air or gas in the tissue, or technical issues with the ultrasound equipment. In this review paper, we provide an overview of the various artifacts in ultrasound elastography, including motion artifacts, noise artifacts, shadowing artifacts, intrinsic tissue stiffness variation, & technical limitations. We discuss the underlying causes & characteristics of each type of artifact & provide strategies for minimizing their impact on image quality & interpretation. Additionally, we discuss future directions & emerging technologies that may help to overcome these artifacts & improve the accuracy & reliability of ultrasound elastography. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the artifacts in ultrasound elastography & their impact on clinical practice, as well as to stimulate further research in this important area. 


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How to Cite

Abdullah , A., Hatem , B., Faiq, F., & Fayez , A. (2023). Ultrasound Elastography Innage Artifacts. History of Medicine, 9(1).