The effect of customer knowledge management on innovative marketing


  • Abd-Hassan Ruaa Sadkan The Ministry of Agriculture, the General Company for Agricultural Supplies Author
  • Mohammed Atheer Abdullah An assistant professor at the College of Administration and Economics-The University of Baghdad/Iraq Author


customer knowledge management, knowledge about customer, knowledge of customer, knowledge of customer, innovative marketing


 The purpose of the current study is to propose a new research model to test the relationship customer knowledge management and innovative marketing in Iraqi industrial organizations. According to the research design, methodology, and approach, testing was completed in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals through three main keys: identifying the knowledge gaps, reviewing the literature, and building postulated concepts. The research model was a case study form supplemented by a quantitative methodology using the community statistical package, where (SPSS) and (AMOS) were employed. The research results revealed that customer knowledge management significantly affects innovative marketing in industrial organizations. The research value is expressed in the fact that this research provides new insights into customer knowledge management and innovative marketing in emerging economies such as Iraq. 


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How to Cite

Ruaa Sadkan , A.-H., & Atheer Abdullah, M. (2023). The effect of customer knowledge management on innovative marketing. History of Medicine, 9(1).