The effect of relaxation, stress management, and recovery exercises on a number of physical variables among young soccer players


  • Abed Ahmed Jassim College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/ Tikrit University /Iraq Author
  • Ahmed Atef Abdul Khaleq College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/ Tikrit University / College Iraq Author


accompanying means, calming, relaxation, recovery, physical variables


 To prepare exercises with accompanying means for calming, relaxation, and recovery in a number of physical variables for young soccer players. To investigate the effect of using exercises with accompanying means for calming, relaxation, and recovery on the number of physical variables for the experimental group of young soccer players. To determine the statistical significance of the differences in a number of physical variables for young soccer players between the experimental and control groups in the two post-tests. The researchers used the experimental method as it is suitable for the nature and problem of the research, with the design of equivalent control and experimental groups. The research population consisted of players from the youth clubs in Salah ad-Din Governorate (Samarra Club and Shirqat Club). The researchers intentionally selected a sample of 30 players from Shirqat Sports Club’s youth soccer team. The players were divided into two groups, the control and experimental groups, with each group consisting of 10 players. Ten players were excluded for the purposes of pilot experiments and tests. The researchers used the statistical package SPSS to verify the study results. One of the conclusions reached by the researchers was that exercises with accompanying means for calming, relaxation, and recovery led to a clear improvement in the physical variables for the experimental research group. The researchers recommended the use of exercises with accompanying means for calming, relaxation, and recovery, as they play a significant role in improving the physical condition of soccer players. 


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How to Cite

Ahmed Jassim , A., & Atef Abdul Khaleq , A. (2023). The effect of relaxation, stress management, and recovery exercises on a number of physical variables among young soccer players. History of Medicine, 9(1).