Effect of Polymer Type and Preparation of Cilnidipine Preformulation Study)


  • Alzalzalee Ruaa A. Al-Kut Hospital, Directorate Wassit of Health, Wassit, Iraq Author
  • Kassab Hanan J. Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Cilnidipine, Poloxamers 188, PVA cold, PVP K30, Soloplus®


 Cilnidipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker used to improve the neurological outcome following subarachnoid hemorrhage. It belongs to BCS class II drugs that have a low oral bioavailability of 13%.This study aimed to prepare Cilnidipine as nanoparticles using different polymers which would be expected to improve bioavailability. Cilnidipine nanoparticles were prepared by solvent anti-solvent method by using different types of polymers (PVP K30, HPMC E5, Soloplus®, Poloxamers 188, PVA cold) in different ratios. Different formulation variables were changed. Based on the obtained results, formula P1, which included Soloplus in a 1:1 weight ratio of drug to polymer, exhibited a particle size of 140.4 nm when stirred at 1000 rpm with an injection speed of 1 ml/min. The polydispersity index (PDI) for this formula was measured at 0.264. Furthermore, formula P1 demonstrated an impressive 90.12% drug content and an entrapment efficiency (EE) of 92.7%. 


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How to Cite

Ruaa A. , A., & Hanan J. , K. (2023). Effect of Polymer Type and Preparation of Cilnidipine Preformulation Study). History of Medicine, 9(1).