Changes in the Production Flow and Structure of Writing Digital Age News Content; From Inverted Pyramids to Algorithmics (Case Study of Pikiran Rakyat Media Network, Regional Media Group in West Java, Indonesia)


  • Kustiman Erwin Faculty of Communication Science, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia Author
  • Hidayat Dadang Rahmat Faculty of Communication Science, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia Author
  • Sjuchro Dian Wardiana Faculty of Communication Science, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia Author
  • Arifm Hadi Suprapto Faculty of Communication Science, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia Author


 Mass communication that has dominated many histories and civilizations is print media. Print medium as part of mass communication has unique properties. Print media in Indonesia is still in the adoption stage of media convergence. Print media seeks to improve content without considering strategically growing their business. (Saragih & Harahap, 2020).


However, due to technology advancements that push print media to transition to internet or online formats, the print media business is currently in decline (McKenney, 2018). This is inextricably linked to changes in readers’ consumption habits brought on by communication and information technologies (Aminuddin & Hasfi, 2020; Hasni et al., 2019).


Media convergence and integration between print, electronic, and online media is the greatest alternative to survive in the press business with the goal of strengthening its resources, despite the dynamics and problems that are developing in the world of the press and print media industry (Nurliah, 2018; Restendy, 2020).


In the editorial room, the preparation of news in print media or conventional media is written according


to the inverted pyramid ’’formula" (H. Po”ttker, 2013). This kind of structure is one of the most prominent approaches chosen by journalists. Since most of the important and related facts are placed at the beginning of the article, this structure allows the reader to pick up important details with minimal effort.


Information placed on the back is supporting information and will have comparatively less impact on the main theme of the story. Also, if the article is too long, the editor can easily omit unnecessary facts from the end of the article.


Furthermore, every news article must convey answers to 5W + H, namely Who, What, When, Where, Why and sometimes How (IR Sabanti, 2018). The answers to these questions contribute significantly to the main theme and context of the news article. Therefore, it is important to identify these areas during the news article creation process 


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How to Cite

Erwin , K., Dadang Rahmat , H., Dian Wardiana , S., & Hadi Suprapto , A. (2023). Changes in the Production Flow and Structure of Writing Digital Age News Content; From Inverted Pyramids to Algorithmics (Case Study of Pikiran Rakyat Media Network, Regional Media Group in West Java, Indonesia). History of Medicine, 9(1).