Estimation of Uranium Concentrations in Urine Samples for Several Different Ages of Patients Using the Nuclear Track Detector CR-39: A Case Study of Nineveh Governorate


  • Mohammad Omar W. Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq Author
  • Aziz Asmaa A. Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq Author


Uranium, Urine, CR-39, Patients


 This article aims to measure uranium concentrations in human urine samples from various patients using a nuclear trace detector CR-39. The study was conducted in Nineveh Governorate. The samples were collected by 27 urine samples taken from patients who attended health centers in Nineveh Governorate. The differences in patients’ age were considered in the calculations. The findings showed that all urine samples consisted of uranium contamination. Furthermore, as the patient’s age increases, the percentage of uranium concentration in his urine increases due to the inability of the kidneys to get rid of uranium deposits. 


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How to Cite

Omar W., M., & Asmaa A., A. (2023). Estimation of Uranium Concentrations in Urine Samples for Several Different Ages of Patients Using the Nuclear Track Detector CR-39: A Case Study of Nineveh Governorate. History of Medicine, 9(1).