Phenomenon of Violence Against Men in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Causes and Effects


  • Alwan Ansaf Jasim University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Sociology, Iraq Author
  • Prof. Dr. Farida Jassim Darah University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Sociology, Iraq. Author


Violence, The man, Pandemic, Pandemic, COVID-19


 Violence is one of the types of imbalances that afflict the social structure. The spread of violence is a negative indicator that makes individuals feel unstable and safe, which affects their performance, jobs, and compatibility with those around them. Society, which is the family, as it constitutes an indicator of the occurrence of divisions, tensions, and contradictions within the family, which threaten its security and stability, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is one of the descriptive analytical studies, and the study relied on the social survey method through an intentional sample of (250) respondents, relying on the questionnaire, interview and simple observation tools 


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How to Cite

Ansaf Jasim , A., & Farida Jassim , D. (2023). Phenomenon of Violence Against Men in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Causes and Effects. History of Medicine, 9(1).