Effect of Thymus Vulgaris Essential Oil in Experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Mice


  • Abbas Saba Naseer Department of Pharmacology, Collage of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Raghif Ahmed Rahmah Abu Department of Pharmacology, Collage of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Shihab Elaf Mahmood Collage of pharmacy, Al-Esraa University, Baghdad, Iraq. Author
  • Shareef Saja Majeed Collage of pharmacy, Al-Esraa University, Baghdad, Iraq. Author
  • Albu-Ahmed Mais Muslim College of pharmacy - Ajman university, UAE Author
  • mandalawi Ahmed Naseer Neurology and internal medicine specialist - internal medicine department/khorfakan hospital, Sharjah, UAE Author


Anti-hyperlipidemic, High-fat diet, thymus vulgaris, essential oil, antioxidant effects, statin,


 Aim of study is to investigate the possible effect of thymus vulgaris essential oil as anti-hyperlipidemic agent in mice. The. Thirty-two male albino mice were fed a high cholesterol diet for 28 days to construct hyperlipidemic models. The anti-hyperlipidemic activity thymus vulgaris essential oil against hyperlipidemia induced was evaluated in mice. Atorvastatin was used as a standard. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were measured. Compared with normal mice, hyperlipidemic mice possessed significantly higher lipid and liver enzymes profile outcomes. After treatment thymus vulgaris essential oil, lipid levels and liver enzymatic activities in hyperlipidemic mice significantly decreased. Besides that, thymus vulgaris essential oil treated group showed significant improvement in levels of tissue MDA and GPx in hyperlipidemic mice. 


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How to Cite

Saba Naseer , A., Ahmed Rahmah Abu , R., Elaf Mahmood , S., Saja Majeed, S., Mais Muslim , A.-A., & Ahmed Naseer, mandalawi. (2023). Effect of Thymus Vulgaris Essential Oil in Experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Mice. History of Medicine, 9(1).