The Social Causes of Social Phobia Among Postgraduate Students: A Field Study at the University of Baghdad



The purpose of the research is to know the state of "social phobia" and its nature and to reveal what it is, as well as to identify the most important reasons behind the growing state of "social phobia" among postgraduate students. With an amount of (200 units) from the research community, the research hypotheses were tested and the data collected by the questionnaire were analyzed, to reach the following results: Childhood played a prominent role in the growth of social phobia among some students. Various family problems have a clear role in shaping the state of phobia among family members •The ambiguity of teachers in preparing study topics and exam questions contributes greatly to the emergence of cases of anxiety, fear and confusion among students •Society has a clear influence in the emergence of "social phobia" among some individuals.


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How to Cite

The Social Causes of Social Phobia Among Postgraduate Students: A Field Study at the University of Baghdad. (2023). History of Medicine, 9(1).