The multifaceted role of Dectin-1 and Card9 in inflammatory bowel disease Iraqi patients


  • Hasan Alaa Saad Department of Biology, college of Education for pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Alabassi Hazima Mossa Department of Biology, college of Education for pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Muhsen Thamer A.A. Department of Biology, college of Education for pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq Author


 The study aimed to investigate the role of Dectin-1 and Card-9 in pathogenicity of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This investigations involved 150 blood samples for IBD patients which divided in to two groups (50 for crohns disease CD (G2)and 50 for ulcerative colitis UC (G3)) .All a apparently (male and female) attended to ) Al-Kindy hospital ) in Baghdad city, department of Gastroenterology .and all of thin were diagnosis by consulters medical staff and pathologists with age range 15-65years average 40 years .in addition to 50 blood samples were collected from apparently healthy individuals as control group (G1). 10 ml were withdrawn from all participants, 5ml for the immunological study which carried by ELISA technique and 5 ml used for molecular study carried by RT-PCR. Serum was isolated than keep -20 until used m RNA were excreted The results of card9 and Dectin -1showed that, the serum concentration recorded a was highly significantly increasing level in crohns group (G2) and ulcerative colitis (G3) comparison to control group(G1) p value =0.002, 0.008 respectively also for card9 and Dectin-1. There is a non-significant in Card 9 and Dectin-1 level in the G2, G3 patients infected with Candida compared toG1, P value= 0.176 NS. 0.39 NS respectively. It has been noticed a significant Elevated Card9 andDectin-1 gene expression in patients group patients (G2) (G3) compared to (G1)p value =<0.001., <0.001** respectively Conclusion: The Dectin-1and CARD9 may has a role in the inflammatory process and might be involved in the IBD pathophysiology 


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How to Cite

Alaa Saad , H., Hazima Mossa, A., & Thamer A.A. , M. (2023). The multifaceted role of Dectin-1 and Card9 in inflammatory bowel disease Iraqi patients. History of Medicine, 9(1).