Molecular expression of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and INF- among patients with breast cancer


  • Jameel Zinah Fathi Health and Medical Techniques College- Southern Technical University/Iraq Author
  • Mahdi Dawood Salman Health and Medical Techniques College- Southern Technical University/Iraq Author
  • Alsaimary Ihsan Edan College of Medicine – University of Basrah – Basrah, Iraq Author


breast cancer, PCR, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and INF-ɤ


 The total number of breast cancer patients involved in this study are (80) individual were taken from oncology center in Basrah province, the age of patients range from 27-76 yrs and (80) individuals considered as control group after they were checked and confirmed to be free from any chest or any other health problems. the maximum number of breast cancer females was found within the age groups 50-59 yrs (32.5%), fand the lowest rate in age group 20-29 (2.5%), with P =0.0163. PCR amplification results which was done on the extracted DNA have been confirmed by using gel electrophoresis which appear as compact DNA separated bands which were results from the accurate and specific binding between the target DNA template for IL-1β and its specific primer, only bands with expected molecular size 249bp were observed. The target DNA template for IL-6 and its specific primer, these bands viewed with specific size 408pb. the target DNA template for IL-10 and its specific primer, these bands viewed with specific size 295pb. The target DNA template for IFN-γ and its specific primer, these bands viewed with specific size 262 pb 


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How to Cite

Zinah Fathi , J., Dawood Salman , M., & Ihsan Edan , A. (2023). Molecular expression of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and INF- among patients with breast cancer. History of Medicine, 9(1).