Molecular investigation of Beta lactamase gene shv in Klebisella pneumonia isolated from diabetic foot patients in Najaf province


  • Al-Fahham Hala Ridha Abbas Department of microbiology- Jabir ibn Hayyan Medical University., Iraq Author


K.pneumoniae, shv gene


 The present study included 100 specimens collected of patients suffering for diabetic foot ulcer who attending to Alsader medical city, for both sexes 33-65 y. The results revealed that the frequency among males more than 74(74%) female 26 (26)%. The results revealed that 80 (80 ) % specimens gave up a positive culture and the other 20 (20)% were negative culture The results showed that G-ve bacteria revealed a high rate 69(69%) , 26(32.5%) K.pneumonia , 19 (23.75%) belonged to E.coli followed by p. aeruginosa 10 (12.5%) then proteus mirabillis 12 (15%) and proteus vulgaris 2(2.5%) , only 8 (10%) isolates belong to S. aureus followed by S.epidermidis 3 (3.75%). K. pneumonia 26(32.5) was one of the bacteria that was isolated, identified, and tested from clinical samples of diabetic foot ulcers in order to phenotypically identify bacteria that were resistant to some antibacterial agents. The results rate of K. peumoniae isolates to Ticarcillin (88.8%), Piperacillin-tazobactam (88.8%) and Colistin (66.6%) were all high. The moderate resistance rate was observed for Trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole (44.4%). The lowest resistance rate was observed for Cefepime (33.3%), Aztreonam (22.2%), Gentamicin (22.2%), Ceftazidime (11.1%), Meropenem (0%) and Impenem (0%), Levofloxacin (0%), Ciprofloxacin (0%), Amikacin (0%) and Tobramycin (0%). Some virulence factor related with antibacterial resistance were determined such as biofilm production. The results confirmed that 20(76.9%) of K. pneumonia. The present study was demonstrated 15(75%) of isolates were strong to biofilm formation ,4(20%),1(5%) moderate and 0 weak by microtitier plate. On the other hand to study the sensitivity of isolates to several antibiotics were tested via( Kirby-Bauer) disc diffusion way. Using PCR technology and electrophoresis devices, researchers at the molecular level examined the existence of antibiotic-resistant genes (shv gene). PCR analysis revealed that the shv gene was present in 24 (92%) samples. 


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How to Cite

Hala Ridha Abbas , A.-F. (2023). Molecular investigation of Beta lactamase gene shv in Klebisella pneumonia isolated from diabetic foot patients in Najaf province. History of Medicine, 9(1).