Hepcidin, Iron Regulatory Hormone: Association with Patients with Heart Failure and Anemia


  • Al-razaq Saba Fathi Abd MSc. (Physiology), Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, Karbala-Iraq Author
  • Alkatib Sami R. Prof. (Physiology), College of Medicine, Kufa University, Al-Najaf, Iraq. Author
  • Naffi Karim O. Al Prof. (Medicine), College of Medicine, Karbala, Iraq. Author


hepcidin, heart failure, anemia, ferritin, iron, EF%,


 Background: hepcidin (HCN) is a key regulatory protein of iron homeostasis. Heart failure (HF) get increased incidence, and the prevalence rate reaches about 1.5% of the US population. Chronic HF and iron deficiency are the commonest disorders universally. Current evidence has confirmed that they are related. This present study targeted to evaluate the association of HCN with heart failure patients and anemia Methodology: This study is a case-control, involving 80 patients with HF and 80 healthy subjects. All subjects underwent echocardiography (LVEF %), biochemical and hematological assays including ferritin, HCN, and iron status parameters (serum iron, TIBC, TSAT%, MCV, MCHC, HCT, and Hb). All variables were matched between the two study groups. Results: A highly significant difference was observed between the groups in the mean HCN and EF% levels (P<0.0001). A non-significant difference in HF patients between non-anemic and anemic patients regarding HCN was detected. HCN show highly significant differences among classes (P<0.001). HCN and ferritin significantly correlated with LVEF% Conclusion: the HCN levels were significantly reduced in cases with advanced HF. HCN and ferritin serum levels revealed a highly significant correlation with the levels of LVEF%. 


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How to Cite

Saba Fathi Abd , A.- razaq, Sami R., A., & Karim O. Al , N. (2023). Hepcidin, Iron Regulatory Hormone: Association with Patients with Heart Failure and Anemia. History of Medicine, 9(1).