The Relationship between Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Biochemical Parameters in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients


  • Abdulmutalib Rawaa Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, University of Thi- Qar, Iraq Author
  • Al-Salih Raid M. H. Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, University of Thi- Qar, Iraq Author
  • Al-Khafaji Adnan Taan College of Medicine, Al-Ayen University/Iraq Author


cardiac biochemical markers, LBBB and Ejection fraction.


 Introduction: This study evaluates the correlation between ejection fraction (EF) and many biochemical cardiac markers in patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB). The heart's ability to pump blood can be negatively affected by LBBB, a frequent conduction defect. An essential measure of cardiac function, EF, is the amount of blood pushed out of the left ventricle during each contraction. Aim: This study aims to better understand the relationships between EF and cardiac biochemical markers in individuals with LBBB and the biological implications of these findings. Material and methods: A case-control study was performed with 140 participants (70 LBBB patients and 70 healthy controls). The diagnoses were verified by clinical and laboratory testing, and serum samples were analyzed for cardiac biomarker levels. In addition, participants' ages, sexes, BMIs, employment statuses, and occupations were analyzed in addition to other demographic data. Results: Age, body mass index, employment and occupational status were all shown to be significantly different between LBBB patients and healthy controls. In addition, h-FABP, myoglobin, troponin, NT-proBNP, and CK-MB were considerably greater in LBBB patients than in healthy controls. These biomarkers have the potential to serve as indications of cardiac dysfunction in LBBB patients, as shown by a correlation matrix revealing substantial connections between them. Conclusions: In LBBB patients, these biomarkers may indicate cardiac dysfunction, as shown by these results. This work contributes to risk classification, prognosis evaluation, and therapeutic decision-making in LBBB patients by shedding light on the connection between EF and cardiac biochemical markers. Further investigation needs to be conducted to confirm these results and investigate possible approaches for improved patient care. 


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How to Cite

Rawaa , A., Raid M. H. , A.-S., & Adnan Taan , A.-K. (2023). The Relationship between Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Biochemical Parameters in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients. History of Medicine, 9(1).