Experimental Study on Early Bone Fracture Healing in The Rabbit Using Bone Graft Combined with Salmon Calcitonin, Immunohistochemical and Histological Outcomes


  • A. A Majeed Al-Nahrain University/ College of Medicine/Iraq Author
  • H. H Abdulameer Al-Nahrain University/ College of Medicine/Iraq Author


(Salmon calcitonin, Beta-Tricalcium phosphate, Osteocalcin).


 This study aims to evaluate the histological and immunohistochemical changes after systemic administration of salmon calcitonin with Beta-tricalcium phosphate on fracture healing in rabbits by the quantitive study of the osteoblast’s cells at different stages of early bone healing using osteocalcin antibody. Histological findings for the bone healing process in the treated group with β-tricalcium phosphate and salmon calcitonin showed early bone marrow, trabecular bone, mineralization, and compact bone formation in comparison to the healing process in the control group. Immunohistochemical findings expression of anti-osteocalcin revealed that there was a non-significant value in the control group between (2 weeks mean+SD 0.27±0.06 and 4 weeks mean+SD 0.29±0.06). while the treated group with β- tricalcium phosphate and salmon calcitonin showed highly significant differences at (2 weeks mean+SD 0.5±0.05 and 4 weeks mean+SD 0.73±0.07). The conclusion of this study that salmon calcitonin and β- tricalcium phosphate has a major osteogenesis role for early bone formation in the treated group as compared with the control group. β-tricalcium phosphate and systemic salmon calcitonin 2 IU/kg were more effective in the acceleration of the early bone healing process and enhancement of bone regeneration. 


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How to Cite

Majeed, A. A., & Abdulameer , H. H. (2023). Experimental Study on Early Bone Fracture Healing in The Rabbit Using Bone Graft Combined with Salmon Calcitonin, Immunohistochemical and Histological Outcomes. History of Medicine, 9(1).