E Selectin Gene Polymorphism in Female under InVitro Fertilization Program


  • Rashid Raghad Hameed Medical Laboratory Techniques Department /AL Salam University College, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Almohaidi Asmaa M.Salih Biology Department / College of Science for Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Ali Alia Hussain Biology Department / College of Science for Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq Author


SELE polymorphism, Gene expression, Implantation, IVF


 Selectins play a role in human implantation. This study focus on the role of SELE, especially the rs5368 and rs3917458 polymorphism genes, has been determined in implantation with expression level. The study involved 100 women undergone in vitro fertilization divided in two groups implantation failure and success. After DNA amplification, samples were sent for sequence analyses, and rs5368 and rs3917458 were detected. The rs5368 and rs3917458 showed three genotypes. The three genotypes' distributions deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The rs5368 referred that T allele could be considered as a positive association with failure implantation, Odds ratio of rs3917458 show that the AAgenotype and A allele was (2.21,2.26), so positive association with the failure implantation. Finally, SELE showed a low expression in women with failed implantation compared to women with successful implantation. 


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How to Cite

Raghad Hameed , R., Asmaa M.Salih, A., & Alia Hussain , A. (2023). E Selectin Gene Polymorphism in Female under InVitro Fertilization Program. History of Medicine, 9(1).