Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Pyromellitdiimide Bis Schiff Bases and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity


  • Yassen Tabarek Mohammed Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Al-Azzawi AhlamMarouf Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Pyromellitdiimide, Bis Schiff base, Fusion process, Microwave, Antimicrobial


 The present work involved synthesis a series of new pyromellitdiimide bearing two Schiff base components through performing several steps. Compound (1) was synthesized in first step, N, N`-bis[(4- acetophenyl)pyromellitamic acid] through reaction two moles of 4-amino acetophenone with pyromellitic anhydride in acetone solvent with stirring for two hours. Compound (1) was dehydrated in the second step by fusion process in sand bath for two hours affording compound (2), N, N-bis[(4- acetophenyl)pyromellitdiimide]. Third step involved adding compound (2) in acid_ catalyzed condensation reaction with various primary aromatic amines under the influence of microwave irradiation for (10-15) minutes producing the target bis Schiff bases (3-6), this technique has many advantages it is simple, safe, clean, very fast with high yields unlike traditional method that are costly and risky. Based on spectroscopic data FTIR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR, the structures of newly synthesized bisschiff bases were confirmed. Results of antimicrobial activity screening of compounds (3-6) indicated that most of them showed potent activity against gram positive bacteria (staphylococcus aureus), gram negative bacteria (E-Coli) and type of fungi (candida albicans), compounds (3) and (4) had strong inhibition against bacteria but weak inhibition against fungi since compounds (5) and (6) had strong inhibition against bacteria and moderate inhibition against fungi. 


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How to Cite

Tabarek Mohammed , Y., & AhlamMarouf, A.-A. (2023). Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Pyromellitdiimide Bis Schiff Bases and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity. History of Medicine, 9(1).