The Role of collagen Supplement to The Improvement of Insulin Resistance

S. aureus, 16srRNA gene, agr system, antibiotic resistance


  • Taha Bareq E. Researcher/ Baghuba Teaching Hospital/Iraq Author
  • Majeed Maysaa J. Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author


insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, TyG index, glycine, collagen, insulin secretion, HOMA-1.


 Background Insulin resistance is a problem that many of us suffer from. It has been studied from several aspects, including changing the lifestyle through exercise, limiting the high-carbohydrate diet, and through proven facts about glycine through its role as a precursor for several crucial metabolites, including creatine, haem, porphyrins, and glutathione. Glycine functions as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and has a variety of functions in peripheral and nervous tissue, including immunomodulatory, cryoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. These facts have sparked research into the role of glycine in lowering insulin resistance. Objective: Studying the level of glycine as a major amino acid in the formation of collagen in the case of insulin resistance and, simultaneously, studying the possibility of using it as a treatment for the condition. Subjects, Material, and Method: Analytical cross-sectional and cohort designs are the two types of statistical designs. The study was conducted on 160 volunteers, recruited at the beginning of the study and chosen from an age group based on the study data and the preliminary analysis, with ages ranging from (40-70 years). They were separated into two groups: the first group includes 80 individuals, after adopting an average body mass index of more than 25, who suffer from insulin resistance, and the second group includes 80 healthy individuals who do not suffer from insulin resistance and whose body mass index is less than 25. It was determined Blood glucose, lipid profile, and HBA1C using Cobas c111 on serum samples from both groups. Fasting insulin was determined using Cobas E411 and serum glycine using ELISA kits. Results: Individuals with insulin resistance have significantly lower serum glycine levels (p≤ and diabetes finding of studied (0.05) in comparison with healthy individuals without insulin resistance, and after collagen (1tab/day) at fasting state supplement show a significant decrease in the level of serum fasting glucose, triglyceride, fasting insulin, homeostatic model of assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and triglyceride-Glucose index (TyG). Conclusion: The level of glycine is low in people who have insulin resistance, and at most, according to the results, its decrease is one of the causes of insulin resistance. At the same time, collagen pills can be adopted as a preventative treatment for insulin resistance. 


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How to Cite

Bareq E. , T., & Maysaa J. , M. (2023). The Role of collagen Supplement to The Improvement of Insulin Resistance: S. aureus, 16srRNA gene, agr system, antibiotic resistance. History of Medicine, 9(1).