Random Serum Insulin level in prediction of diabetes mellitus type2


  • Jebar Raheem Sabbar Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad/Iraq Author
  • Saleh Basil O Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad/Iraq Author
  • Jebar Muna Sabbar Department of Medical Analysis, Babylon Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Babylon, Iraq Author


Diabetes, insulin, prediction


 Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic physiological disease characterized by increase levels of blood glucose, and can leads to damage to the urinary system circulation system, eyes, nerves system. So that it causes serious problem to healthcare systems. Objective: This study was designed to assess the serum levels of fasting blood sugar (FBS), HbA1C, fasting insulin and random insulin in prediction of type 2 DM in apparently healthy subjects who have had family history of type 2 DM (FH+) of first degree and compare that with those who have no history (FH-). Subjects and Methods: This study was carried out at Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad and at Al-Kindy hospital, Baghdad, during the period from July 2022 to November 2022. It involved 50 participants all of them were nondiabetic persons (20 men and 30 women) aged between 23–44 years. These subjects were sub grouped according to their family history of type 2 DM into two groups: group 1 (FH+) was consisted of 29 subjects (13 male and 16 female) and group 2 (FH-) included 21 subjects (7 males and 14 females). Serum investigations included measurements of fasting glucose and insulin as well as random serum insulin by Cobase and blood HbA1C by ion exchange analyzer. Body mass index (BMI) was also calculated for all included subjects. Results: The results showed that there was highly significant increase in mean value in serum random insulin in subjects with FH+ (55.63± 27.08) in comparison with those with FH- (14.43 ± 4.65) (P<0.001). In addition, the mean values of fasting serum insulin, FBS and HbA1C have lower significant increase in subjects with FH+ group (=mean value 13.88, 107.75, 5.03 respectively) comparison with those with FHgroup (mean value 7.84, 100.19, 4.85 respectively) (P<0.001). However, the gender, age and BMI did not differ significantly between FH- and FH+ groups. The results also found significant positive correlation between fasting serum insulin and BMI (r= 0364, p <0009) as well between random serum insulin and HbA1C (r= 0286, p < 0044). Conclusion: Random serum insulin was the superior measured parameter in prediction of type 2 DM in apparently healthy subjects who have positive familial history of this disease and differentiate them from those healthy subjects with no history. Fasting serum insulin also has this clinical utility. 


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Diagnosis and management of type 2 diabetes, World

Health organization 2020 WHO/UCN/NCD/20.1



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How to Cite

Raheem Sabbar, J., Basil O , S., & Muna Sabbar , J. (2023). Random Serum Insulin level in prediction of diabetes mellitus type2. History of Medicine, 9(1).