Implementation of Teacher Performance Assessment in Improving Teaching Professionalism


  • Rostini Deti Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung Jin. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec. Buahbatu, Bandung City Author
  • Suherman Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung Jin. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec. Buahbatu, Bandung City Author
  • Ningsih Ratna Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung Jin. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec. Buahbatu, Bandung City Author


Implementation, Teacher Performance, Teaching Professional


 This research aims to explore teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards performance appraisal and its impact on teaching professionalism. This research will involve interviewing or surveying teachers to understand their views on the usefulness, fairness, and benefits of performance appraisal in enhancing their professionalism. Activities carried out related to increasing professionalism in teaching, as well as identifying existing policies, assessment requirements, established performance indicators, the process of implementing assessments and other influencing factors. The Teacher Performance Assessment System is designed to identify the ability of teachers to carry out their duties through measuring mastery of the competencies shown in their performance. In order to produce the expected results, teacher performance assessments are carried out carefully, precisely and accurately adopting the implementation of management-based activities, compiling appropriate plans by preparing various matters, accurate implementation by preparing accurate teams and instruments as well as proper follow-up on the results of assessment of the teacher’s performance. 


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How to Cite

Deti , R., Suherman, & Ratna , N. (2023). Implementation of Teacher Performance Assessment in Improving Teaching Professionalism. History of Medicine, 9(1).