Impact Of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Teaching Motivation of Manba'ul Huda Foundation Teachers, Bandung City



Work Environment, Work Discipline, Teacher Compensation and Motivation.


This journal is intended to present, draw conclusions, suggestions, and summaries (abstracts) from a research conducted as educators, teachers have a very meaningful position in sorting out success in educational goals Article 4 Chapter 2 UURI No. 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturers said that the role of teachers as applicable experts increases the dignity and degree of teachers as representatives of education to improve the quality of national education. Work area, lack of communication between teachers, causing awkwardness and insufficient facilities make teachers less safe and disciplined in teaching teachers who still often arrive late when they want to teach students / students when class hours are about to start, as well as compensation has an impact on teacher teaching motivation where there is still a lack of wage / salary levels and other benefits (Health, employment).


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How to Cite

Impact Of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Teaching Motivation of Manba’ul Huda Foundation Teachers, Bandung City. (2023). History of Medicine, 9(1).