The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of the Celery Seeds Apium graveolenes on the Histological Characteristics of the Swiss Rat Testis Treated with the Depakine Drug


  • Al- Busaid Zainab Jawad Naki Department of Biology\ College of Education for Women/University of Kufa/ Iraq Author
  • Yahya Widad Hashim Department of Biology\ College of Education for Women/University of Kufa/ Iraq Author
  • Jaafar Sammar Faisal Osol Aldeen university college/Dentistry Department/ Iraq Author
  • AL-Saygh Zainab Mahdi Jasim Department of Biology\ College of Education for Women/University of Kufa/ Iraq Author


Celery Seeds, Depakine, Alcoholic Extract, Histological Characteristics


 The current study has been conducted in the animal house / Department of Biology at the College of Education for Women / University of Kufa between 1-2-2022 and 1-1-4-2022 comprising the use of 24 males of white rats of (the Sprague Dawley Breed) at an age of more than 12 weeks and with an average weight ranging between( 200 and 300g) that have been divided randomly into four equal groups: The first group is considered as a control group which has been injected with the physiological saline at a concentration of 0.9%. The second group has been injected with the Depakine at a concentration of 500 mg/kg inside the peritoneum. The third group has been injected with the alcoholic extract of celery seeds at a concentration of 75 mg/kg. As for the fourth group, it has been injected with the Depakine 500 mg/kg & alcoholic extract of celery seeds at a concentration of 75 mg/kg. All experimental animals have been treated once daily for 30 days. After the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed, and the genitals (testes) were taken for the purpose of the histological study. The histological examination of the testicles of males treated with Depakine showed several histopathological changes, including a marked decrease in the number of sperm cells in different stages of development, sloughing of spermatogenetic cells from the germinal epithelium of the seminal tubule, infiltration of inflammatory cells into the lumen of the seminal tubule, atrophy of the diameters of the seminiferous tubules, necrosis of cells for hands, and a decrease Its preparation within the interstitial tissues and the disintegration of the interstitial tissue that separates the seminiferous tubules, the dilation of the diameter of the blood vessel, and the collection of blood cells inside it. About the group treated with alcoholic extract of celery seeds, the histological sections showed slight decrease in histological parameters compared to the control group, and there were several changes, including irregularity in the diameters of the seminiferous tubules, a decrease in the number of sperms in the lumen of some seminiferous tubules, a disintegration of the interstitial tissue, a decrease in the number of leydig cells , and the separation of The germinal epithelium layer and the disintegration of the germinal cells of the epithelium, the increase in the number of Sertoli cells, and a little agglutination between the cells that form sperm. As for the group treated with Depakine & alcoholic extract of celery seed, the results of the histological examination have confirmed a significant improvement in all the histological parameters compared to the group treated with Depakine, such as the regularity of the diameters of the seminiferous tubules and decrease in the cavities of them, an increase in the number of Leydig cells and their regularity within the interstitial tissue, an increase in the number of sperm-producing cells, and a decrease in their agglutination, the histological examination also showed an increase in the number of mature sperm within the lumen of the seminal tubule, in addition to a regularity in the germinal epithelial tissue . It has shown that the group that is treated with Depakine & alcoholic extract also showed a slight decrease in some histological feature as compared to the Control Group, the germinal epithelium of some seminiferous tubules were separated and the diameters of some  of these seminiferous tubules were irregular, as well as the presence of a slight agglutination between the sperm cells and decrease in their numbers within the germinal epithelium of some tubules. This result indicates that the protective efficiency of the alcoholic extract of celery seeds increases with the use of higher concentrations for the purpose of removing all the toxic effects, which are induced by the Depakine drug. 


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How to Cite

Zainab Jawad Naki , A.-. B., Widad Hashim, Y., Sammar Faisal, J., & Zainab Mahdi Jasim , A.-S. (2023). The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of the Celery Seeds Apium graveolenes on the Histological Characteristics of the Swiss Rat Testis Treated with the Depakine Drug. History of Medicine, 9(1).