Separation and determination of sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and metoclopramide hydrochloride by RP-HPLC method in pure and in Pharmaceutical formulations


  • Azeez Abbas L. Mustansiriyah University, College of science, Department of chemistry, Iraq Author
  • Al-Amer Salam A. H. Mustansiriyah University, College of science, Department of chemistry, Iraq Author
  • Mahdi Amer S. Mustansiriyah University, College of science, Department of chemistry, Iraq Author
  • Jasim Aktham N. Mustansiriyah University, Collage of Basic Education, Science Department/Iraq Author


High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Sulfamethoxazole,Trimethoprim, and Metoclopramide HCl


 A very accurate, fast and simple method for separating and determine pharmaceutical compounds sulfamethoxazole (Sulfa), trimethoprim (Tri), and metacalpermide hydrochloride (Meta). The separation process was performed by HPLC on a C18 stationary phase column. The method was developed and validated. The mobile phase is a mixture of acetonitrile buffer 60.40 under isocratic elution. The flow rate was 1.2 mL/min, and the optimum temperature for the separation was 45 °C. The analysis time is up to 4 minutes with retention times of 2.204, 2.873 and 4.983 minutes for the studied pharmaceutical compounds. The linearity was in the range of 0.1-100 µg/mL. The developed method was tested for the quantitative determination of pharmaceutical compounds in its pure form and in different commercial pharmaceutical formulations with less interference of additives. 


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How to Cite

Abbas L. , A., Salam A. H. , A.-A., Amer S. , M., & Aktham N., J. (2023). Separation and determination of sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and metoclopramide hydrochloride by RP-HPLC method in pure and in Pharmaceutical formulations. History of Medicine, 9(1).