The Synthesis of Adjuvanted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with RGD and TNF


  • Al-Zohyri Husam Ahmad Mahmood Department of Chemistry, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang-43400, Selangor, Malaysia Author
  • Abdulrahman Mohd Basyaruddin Bin Department of Chemistry, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang-43400, Selangor, Malaysia Author


IONP, RGD, TNF, Cancer


 Cancer had become the modern age disease and took over AIDS in the 80s & lung cancer occupies over half of the infected patients. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) is potentially lethal to cancer cells and normal cells in a non-selective manner. To mitigate the non-selective action of the TNF on healthy tissues, it is vital to develop targeted nano-delivery systems capable of regulating optimum doses selectively to cancer cells and minimizing untoward toxicity to normal tissues. Here comes (RGD) homing peptides sequencing (Arg-Gly-Asp) attached to a courier molecule IONP, The IONP was synthesized from chemical co-precipitation of iron salts and scaffold with PEG coating. Its physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity, and potential as contrast agents were then evaluated. IONP at 10 nm size was synthesized at 60 minutes and 800 rpm stirring time. The coated IONP showed excellent aqueous dispensability and good negative contrast with a transverse relaxation rate of 9.85 mM-1S-1. The homing peptides and TNF attachment were achieved after coating IONP with PEG to act as a scaffold and further decrease cytotoxicity. The whole system was characterized and systematically interpreted as a function of newly formed functional groups, particle size, surface structure, surface topography, surface area, and surface charge. The system was responsive to an acidic environment and controlled the TNF dissolution released rate. The system also induced obvious cytotoxicity and apoptosis post-48 h treatment. The apoptosis study verified the ability of the system to intensify the apoptotic population in A549 while minimizing cell death in MRC5. The system reflects a potential outstanding treatment efficacy demonstrated selective cytotoxicity towards A549 than MRC5. It is believed that IONP-System attached with RGD holds great selective targeting and enhances the optimum chemotherapeutic dosage for human lung cancer with less unwarranted toxicity to normal human lung fibroblast. 


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How to Cite

Husam Ahmad Mahmood , A.-Z., & Mohd Basyaruddin Bin , A. (2023). The Synthesis of Adjuvanted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with RGD and TNF. History of Medicine, 9(1).