Description of two new record species of the genus Asproparthenis ( Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Iraq


  • Al-Saffar Hanan H. Natural History Research Center and Museum University of Baghdad, Baghdad Iraq Author
  • Yaseen Ali N. Department of Science, college of Basic Education, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Ahmed Saadoun Obaed Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Diyala Education, Diyala, Iraq Author


Asproparthenis vexata, Asproparthenis omeri Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Lixinae, , new records, Iraq


 The species Asproparthenis vexata Gyllenhal,1834 and Asproparthenis omeri Korotyaev et al. (2020) belongs to Subfamily Molytinae family Curculionidae. In this study, two male specimens of Asproparthenis vexata and three male specimens of Asproparthenis omeri were used, which were obtained through field trips of Diyala farms, specifically in the district of Khalis, where these specimens were found near bushes (a mixture of plants). such as Atriplex halimus and some other plants. 


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How to Cite

Hanan H. , A.-S., Ali N. , Y., & Saadoun Obaed, A. (2023). Description of two new record species of the genus Asproparthenis ( Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Iraq. History of Medicine, 9(1).