Fulfillment of the Rights of Intellect Citizens Through the Assimilation Program in Correction Centers


  • Ahmad Muhammad Ridwan Saiful Hikmat Faculty of Law Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia. Author
  • Alvin Faculty of Law Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia. Author
  • Herdi Iman Muttaqin Faculty of Law Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia. Author
  • Muchamad Afif Suganda Faculty of Law Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia. Author
  • Marie Muhammad Faculty of Law Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia. Author


 Desired writing goals achieved is to research and find out the effectiveness of assimilation according to Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections and its implementation in fulfilling the rights of inmates through the assimilation program at Bapas. Therefore, the research method includes research specifications, namely analytical descriptive, normative juridical approach methods, through the library research stage, namely researching and studying secondary data obtained through library research data collection techniques, which are then analyzed secondary data. juridical -quality f. This study produces the conclusion that is the effectiveness of assimilation according to Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections and its implementation in fulfilling the rights of inmates through the assimilation program at Bapas can be concluded that the legal aspect that stands out from the new correctional era today is through community involvement in correctional functions. This is considered to be more effective, coupled with the existence of an integrated justice system and with regard to implementation in fulfilling the rights of inmates, it can be known through the assimilation program at the Bapas regulated through the Guidelines for the Implementation of Conditional Rights for Convicts in accordance with Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections Number Pas- 20.Ot.02.02 Year 2022.


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How to Cite

Hikmat, A. M. R. S., , A., Muttaqin, H. I., Suganda, M. A., & Muhammad, M. (2024). Fulfillment of the Rights of Intellect Citizens Through the Assimilation Program in Correction Centers. History of Medicine, 9(1), 99-107.