Study of Clinical Manifestations of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children of Basra Province


  • Fayyadh Basim A. Paediatric Basra Children S Specialist Hospital/Iraq Author
  • Mahdi Dawood S. Southern Technical University/Health and Medical Techniques College/Iraq Author


Visceral leishmaniasis fever, HSM


 Leishmaniasis in some nations, including Iraq, is considered as a significant public health issue due to its significant influence on morbidity, which places a significant cost on national health. It is more prevalent in the centre, south, and west of the country. The present study describe 85 child patients (46 males and 39 females) with visceral leishmaniasis in Basra province/Southern Iraq 81% less than two years old. The predominant clinical features in these cases were fever and anaemia 100%, hepatosplenomegaly 70.5%, pale 65% and cough 45.8%. weight loss, abdominal distention, diarrhea and sweating were have fewer rates. 


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How to Cite

Basim A. , F., & Dawood S. , M. (2023). Study of Clinical Manifestations of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children of Basra Province. History of Medicine, 9(1).