Megrment the level of IL-8 in the Blood of Patients with Urinary tract infection in Iraq-Babil City


  • Ali Ahmed Abbas Al Furat AL-Awsat Technical University, College of Health and Medical Techniques, Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, Author
  • Ibrahim Hayder Hamzah Technical Institute Babil, Al Furat AL-Awsat Technical University, Iraq Author


UTI, IL-8, Elisa


 Urinary tract infection, as one of the global threats affecting millions of women and causing some time deaths around the world. Objective: This study aims to assess levels of IL-8 in patients with Urinary tract infections, and people enjoying good health as a control group. Methods: Collecting medical information from (120) participants in the Imam Al-Sadiq General Teaching Hospital in Iraq-Babylon, the Gynecology Consultant, according to specific criteria, the subjects were divided into 2 groups: the control group, the patients (UTI), while the demographic study included age, education, Jobs, and living Laboratory results, IL-8 levels were assessed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Results: The results revealed that there were significant variations in IL-8 between the UTI group and control groups. IL-8 level with the UTI group was (16.640953±1.6832825 pg/ml) whereas the control group appear was (13.338285±1.6033101 pg/ml), Conclusion: They can be considered good indicators to give knowledge about the diagnosis of urinary tract infection and help doctors to give appropriate medications 


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How to Cite

Ahmed Abbas, A., & Hayder Hamzah , I. (2023). Megrment the level of IL-8 in the Blood of Patients with Urinary tract infection in Iraq-Babil City. History of Medicine, 9(1).