Determination of Post-COVID-19 Symptoms Among Recovered Cases in Iraqi Kurdistan Region: A CrossSectional Study


  • Tahir Arazoo Issa Master in Community Health; Assistant lecturer, public health department/College of Health and Medical Technology -Shekhan / Duhok Polytechnic University; Iraqi Kurdistan. Orchid Author
  • Taha Perjan Hashim Psychiatry Unit, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Duhok 42001, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Author
  • Ahmed Fatima Mohammed MSc. Clinical biochemistry, Medical Laboratory Technology department, College of Health and Medical Technology -Shekhan, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Author
  • Taha Ari Ahmed MSc. Nursing, Cardiac Center, Erbil, Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Author
  • Radha Runak Hamagharib Bachelor biology, Shorsh General Hospital, Sulaimaniya Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Author


Covid-19, post-acute Covid-19, Disease Severity, Quality of life, Kurdistan region, Iraq


 Objective: The current study aimed to investigate post-Covid-19 symptoms and it is associated factors in Kurdistan region, Iraq. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among the general population. The study included 454 recovered COVID-19 patients; the questionnaire consists of four parts; starting from socio-demographic data, Items about the acute and post-COVID-19 status, and other comorbidities of the individuals. Quality of life was measured by EQ-5D Visual Analogue Scale and finally, WHO severity scales were used to assess Covid-19 conditions. Data were analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics and using SPSS version 24.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results: The vast majority (75.6%) experienced post-symptoms for about 3 months or less. Post Covid-19 was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) related to gender, quality of life, and duration of symptoms. Common symptoms were fatigue 203 (44.7%), Myalgia 99 (21.8%), Sleep disturbance 84 (18.5%), Anosmia and Headache 65(14.3), and 64 (14.1) respectively. Nonetheless, we also observed a significant association between disease severity and the number of acute symptoms with post-COVID-19 symptoms. Conclusion: The bulk of the study's survivors reported experiencing post-COVID-19 symptoms. As a result, there is a critical requirement for evaluation and rehabilitation following the recovery, thus careful coordination between COVID-19 healthcare facilities and public hospitals is needed 


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How to Cite

Arazoo Issa , T., Perjan Hashim , T., Fatima Mohammed , A., Ari Ahmed , T., & Runak Hamagharib , R. (2023). Determination of Post-COVID-19 Symptoms Among Recovered Cases in Iraqi Kurdistan Region: A CrossSectional Study. History of Medicine, 9(1).