Impact of some common disinfectants on fungi Isolated from air conditioners


  • Dr. Zuhair Hameed Abboud Biology Department, College of Science, Kerbala University, Kerbala, Iraq Author
  • Al-Shibly Dr. Majid Kadhim Biology Department, College of Education, Al-Qadisiyah University, Qadisiyah, Iraq Author
  • Alzamily Ihsan Ali Genetic Engineering Department, College of Biotechnology , Al-Qasim Green University, Babil , Iraq. Author


air conditioners, Split unit, car AC, Fungi and disinfectant


 Due to the frequent use of air conditioners in Iraq due to the hot weather, especially in the summer, and this is accompanied by the presence of many microorganisms in these devices, including fungi that may exist, grow and thrive on air filters and on other parts, and here the air conditioner becomes a source for the spread of fungal spores, some of which may cause various diseases for the human being the aim study included the isolation of some fungi from air conditioners which including 11 species belong to 10 genera: Aspergillus niger , Penicillium notatum ,Rhizopus stolinefer and Alternaria alternata with Frequency ratio (14.18, 14.42, 18.91, 16.31%) respectively, then Candida albicans, Cladosporium herbarum , Rhodotorula sp and Absidia with frequency ratio (4.01, 6.61, 10.16, 10.4%) as the two fungi found that they are the least visible, Trichophyton rubrum and Basidiobolus sp with ratio (0.94, 0.7) % respectively. Absidia and Basidiobolus, two fungi that cause black mold disease for Covid 19 patients. The traditional bracket air conditioners recorded the proportions and the largest number due to the fact that they contain a purification mechanism and their machines take the air directly from the surrounding environment followed by cars AC, while the means of isolation from split unit air conditioners came with the lowest isolation rate. 


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How to Cite

Zuhair Hameed, A., Dr. Majid Kadhim , A.-S., & Ihsan Ali, A. (2023). Impact of some common disinfectants on fungi Isolated from air conditioners. History of Medicine, 9(1).