Assessment of Parents' Psychological Distress and its Coping Strategies Related to Children with Hereditary Blood Disease


  • Atshan Riyadh Saad Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Medical Technical Institute/Kufa, Department of Nursing Techniques, Iraq Author
  • Saiwan Marwa Jabbar College of Nursing, National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar Author


Parents', Distress, Coping, Blood Disease


 Parents receive twice what their child gets if gets sick, so how about if the disease is a genetic blood disease. Parents who have an affected child will suffer as their child suffers, and perhaps more than him, because this disease may lead to the death of their child (1). Objective: the study aim to assess parents' psychological distress and coping strategies related to children with inherited blood disease. Methods: A Descriptive study design to assess the parents' psychological distress and its coping strategies related to children with hereditary blood diseases. Had been applied during the period 28 ͭͪFebruary 2022 to 3 ͭ ͪ December 2022. Non-probability (purposive) sample of (60) Parents were chosen from the Al-Zahra Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Children's in Thalassemia Center. (22 fathers and 38 mothers). The questionnaire used are the Parental Stress Scale (PSS) to assess the psychological distress and coping strategies were assessed by the brief cope. Results: 96.6% of parents try to be reassured in their religion or spiritual beliefs and always adapt to them. And 92% of parents always pray and hope. 36.7% of parents feel tired without a valid reason during the past thirty days. 40% of parents feel all the time that everything is stressful (effortless). There is a statistical significant relationship between parents’ coping strategies with regard to their gender, residency. There is a statistical significant relationship between parents’ psychological distresses with regard to their educational level, occupation, monthly income. Conclusion: The majority of parents try to be reassured in their religion or spiritual beliefs and always adapt to them, due to our cultural attribute as Muslim can help individuals intolerance life stress. And most of parents always praying or meditating. Parents always receive emotional support. And most of parents focus their efforts on doing something about the subject they are always. 


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How to Cite

Riyadh Saad, A., & Marwa Jabbar , S. (2023). Assessment of Parents’ Psychological Distress and its Coping Strategies Related to Children with Hereditary Blood Disease. History of Medicine, 9(1).